Tree drawing and exploration (web)


We can represent and interact with a tree in a flexible way by using the explorer module.

Let’s create a simple tree with 100 leaves and randomly populated:

from random import random
from ete4 import Tree
t = Tree()
t.populate(100, dist_fn=random, support_fn=random)

We can start exploring it with:


At that moment the web browser will open, and we can use the graphical user interface (GUI) to interact with our tree using the default visualization.


There are already many things that can be done to change the visualization by using the menus in the GUI and changing styles, doing searches, creating labels and more.

But we can also control programatically how to do the visualization, and in a more flexible way. We do that by using layouts.

With a layout we can for example set some style for the lines of the tree, the dots of the nodes, and many other tree-related styles. Or change the style of only some nodes that we are interested in. We may want to add textual or graphical information to certain nodes too.

The concepts that ETE uses to describe the visualization are:

  • Styles represented as dictionaries. For example {'shape': 'circular', 'hz-line': {'stroke-width': 2}}.

  • Faces, pictorial or textual information pieces represented by the class Face, with a variety of subclasses for different kinds of representations (TextFace, ImageFace, …). Faces know how to return graphic elements showing the information corresponding to a node, or to a group nodes collapsed together.

  • Layouts, full descriptions of how to represent a tree, using the class Layout. They contain a draw_node() function that produces the faces and styles that we want for a given node, and a draw_tree() function that does the same for the full tree. When exploring/visualizing a tree, they compose: using several layouts will add extra graphic representations, and/or overwrite some styles from previous layouts.

Launching the explorer

To start the visualization of a tree, we can use the explore method as shown above:


If we run it from the python console, in addition to opening a web browser session, the call returns immediately and we can continue working with the tree in the console.

The explorer allows to visualize and also manipulate the tree. You can in parallel change the tree from the GUI and from the console, and the changes will be reflected everywhere.

This is very useful, but sometimes we want a different behavior. Let’s see some examples of typical uses.

Standalone scripts

If we run a standalone script, after the call to explore the program will continue and probably end, finishing the interactive session at the same time.

We can set the argument keep_server=True to keep the server running:


The program will run until we kill the process (with Ctrl+C for example).

A better way is to simply wait for some input before continuing, for example:

print('Press enter to stop the server and finish.')

Verbose mode

We can set verbose=True to see all the actions made by the ETE backend, which can be useful for debugging and for getting an insight on how the explorer works:

>>> t.explore(verbose=True)
Explorer now available at - - [18/Dec/2024 10:41:39] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 303 0 - - [18/Dec/2024 10:41:39] "GET /static/gui.html?tree=tree-1 HTTP/1.1" 200 1476 - - [18/Dec/2024 10:41:39] "GET /static/gui.css HTTP/1.1" 200 5255
[...] - - [18/Dec/2024 10:41:39] "GET /trees HTTP/1.1" 200 36 - - [18/Dec/2024 10:41:39] "GET /static/icon.png HTTP/1.1" 200 686 - - [18/Dec/2024 10:41:39] "GET /trees/tree-1/layouts HTTP/1.1" 200 27
[...] - - [18/Dec/2024 10:41:39] "GET /trees/tree-1/draw?shape=rectangular&node_height_min=30&content_height_min=4&zx=375.9&zy=178.79999999999998&x=-0.33333333333333337&y=-0.16666666666666669&w=3.3333333333333335&h=3.3333333333333335&collapsed_shape=skeleton&collapsed_ids=%5B%5D&layouts=%5B%22basic%22%5D&labels=%5B%5D HTTP/1.1" 200 1331

Basic layout (leaf names, branch length and support)

When we call t.explore() without any arguments, a layout is automatically added to show the names of the leaf nodes, the branch lengths and their support (the BASIC_LAYOUT).

We can remove it from the GUI by clicking on it in the menu layouts, or programatically by specifying an empty list of layouts:


So what happens when we are not explicitely passing the layouts argument? The explorer interprets it as:

from ete4.smartview import BASIC_LAYOUT

Showing node’s properties in a popup

When we hover with the mouse over a node, we can see its properties in a popup. By default, only the name, the length, and the support appear (if they are defined).

By setting the arguments show_popup_props and hide_popup_props we can choose which properties to show. This way the backend only needs to send the relevant information when drawing the nodes, and we can visualize only what we want without being overwhelmed.

For example, to show only the property dist:


Or if we want to see all except some:

t.explore(show_popup_props=None, hide_popup_props=['dist', 'sequence'])

Control panel

When exploring the tree, a control panel will be shown in the left side of the tree panel.


It consists of the three major tabs:

  • Main: More common settings including layouts, collapsing level, etc.

  • Selections: For searches, manual collapse and tagging of nodes.

  • Advanced: With less common settings and operations like sorting, changing styles, etc.

1) Main


This tab contains the general settings of the tree visualization. It includes among other things:

  • tree: Selector with current tree (can select other loaded trees).

  • download: Different ways to download the tree (as newick or as an image).

  • upload: Allows to upload new trees from their newick representation.

  • shape: Tree representation as rectangular or circular.

  • node height min: Minimum height in pixels to expand a node (otherwise shown as collapsed).

  • content height min: Minimum height in pixels to show content (content with less height will not show).

  • layouts: Lists all available layouts and allows to switch them on and off.

  • extra labels: Allows to add labels, additional pieces of information to attach to nodes.

  • smart zoom: Zooms making the current node under the cursor grow towards the window.

2) Selections


This tab contains the searches and selected nodes.

We can make a search with clicking new search button (also the “/” shortcut), then input the query in the search box. There are different ways to search for nodes.


Some examples of searches and possible matches:


Example match


will match nodes named “Citrobacter werkmanii” and “Citrobacter youngae”


will match “spx UBA2009” but not “Rokubacteriales”

/r sp\d\d

will match any name that contains “sp” followed by (at least) two digits, like “Escherichia sp002965065” and “Citrobacter sp005281345”

/e len(ch) > 2

will match nodes with more than 2 children

/e is_leaf and p['species'] == 'Homo'

will match leaf nodes with property “species” equal to “Homo”

/t ("is_leaf","d > 1")"name=='AB'"

will match nodes named “AB” that have two children, one that is a leaf and another that has a length > 1

3) Advanced


This tab contains functions to select subtrees, sort, change styles and more.

Context menu

We can right-click on a node to open a context menu with different options.


There are many node-specific actions such as renaming, collapsing, moving and more. And there are a few tree actions like reseting the view, sorting the tree, or converting it to dendogram or ultrametric.

Customizing the visualization

The main elements used to customize the visualization are layouts, styles, and faces.


Layouts contain the draw_node() and draw_tree() functions, which create the styles and faces that we use to represent the tree. They are objects of the class Layout. They contain:

  • name: Identifies the layout, so it can be activated/deactivated in the GUI.

  • draw_tree(): A function that produces style and faces for the full tree.

  • draw_node(): A function that produces style and faces for the given nodes.

  • cache_size: The number of nodes cached when calling draw_node (defaults to all).

  • active: Whether the layout will be immediately active when exploring (defaults to True).

Let’s look at how to use them. The simplest case is:

from ete4 import Tree
from ete4.smartview import Layout

t = Tree()

layout = Layout(name='I am a layout doing nothing')


We can see a representation of the tree, and in the control panel, a layout that appears with the name “I am a layout doing nothing”.


It name is accurate, as we can see if we activate or desactivate it by clicking its checkbox: nothing happens, no extra information is shown in the tree anyway.

Changing the tree style

The draw_tree field of a layout specifies the general aspects of the tree style. For example, we can modify the scale used to render tree branches or choose between circular or rectangular tree drawing, etc.

In general, it is a function of the tree, and returns a list of faces and styles to use.

We often just need to change its style, and in a way that does not depend on the tree. For that common case, draw_tree can also be a dictionary with the style.

A dictionary with the tree style can look like this:

my_tree_style = {
   'shape': 'circular',  # or 'rectangular'
   'radius': 5,  # in circular mode, minimum radius value
   'angle-start': -pi/2,  # in circular mode, where to start
   'angle-end': pi/2,  # alternatively we can give 'angle-span'
   'node-height-min': 10,  # when to start collapsing nodes
   'content-height-min': 5,  # when to start showing faces
   'collapsed': {'shape': 'outline', 'fill-opacity': 0.8},
   'show-popup-props': None,  # show all defined properties
   'hide-popup-props': ['support'],  # except support
   'is-leaf-fn': lambda node: node.level > 4,  # nodes treated as leaves
   'box': {'fill': 'green', 'opacity': 0.1, 'stroke': 'blue'},
   'dot': {'shape': 'hexagon', 'fill': 'red'},
   'hz-line': {'stroke-width': 2},  # horizontal line to parent
   'vt-line': {'stroke': '#ffff00'},  # vertical line to children

The last four (box, dot, hz-line, vt-line) define the general look for all the nodes, but they can be overriden too in an individual basis with the function draw_node as explained below.

The Layout documentation has a complete list of options.

Let’s see some examples of how to modify the tree style.

Example of simple change

A simple way to control the tree style is to pass a dictionary with the options we want to draw_tree:

from ete4 import Tree
from ete4.smartview import Layout

t = Tree()

layout = Layout(name='my layout',
                draw_tree={'node-height-min': 100})


In this case, we are requesting to collapse any node with a height less than 100 pixels.

Changing the node style

In the same way that we can control the general tree style with a dictionary of options returned by draw_tree, we can also control the style of a given node with a dictionary of options returned by draw_node.

It is possible to change the color, thickness of lines and many more style attributes of the following node elements:

  • box: The box (area) surrounding the node.

  • dot: The dot that represents the node itself.

  • hz-line: The horizontal line that connects it to its parent.

  • vt-line: The vertical line connecting it to its children.

For all of them there are many options to change their style. The main options are fill, stroke, stroke-width, opacity, but there are also many more: fill-opacity, stroke-opacity, stroke-linecap, stroke-linejoin, stroke-miterlimit, stroke-dashoffset, stroke-dasharray, paint-order, fill-rule, etc. They are all based on SVG attributes.

In addition to those, some elements have extra attributes:

  • dot

    • shape: Figure (circle, square, …) or its number of sides, representing the node.

    • radius: The approximate radius in pixels of the dot.

  • collapsed (only used from the tree style)

    • shape: Representation of collapsed nodes as “skeleton” or “outline”.

Example of simple change

A simple tree where we change the style for the leaves:

from ete4 import Tree
from ete4.smartview import Layout

t = Tree('((a,b),c);')

# Nodes will be represented as small red triangles of 5 pixels radius.
style_dot = {'shape': 'triangle',
             'radius': 10,
             'fill': 'red'}

# Branch lines (horizontal lines) will be brown and dashed, and 10 pixels thick.
style_hz_line = {'stroke-dasharray': '5,5',
                 'stroke-width': 10,
                 'stroke': '#964B00'}

def draw_node(node):
    if node.is_leaf:
        return {'dot': style_dot,
                'hz-line': style_hz_line}

layout = Layout(name='My layout', draw_node=draw_node)

We can use different styles for different nodes. Let’s see a couple of examples:

from ete4 import Tree
from ete4.smartview import Layout

t = Tree('((a,b),c);')

# Leaves will have small red squares of radius 10 pixels.
leaf_style = {'dot': {'shape': 'square',
                      'radius': 5,
                      'fill': 'red'}}

# The root node will be blue, with a dot of 15 pixel radius, and a
# custom vertical line.
root_style = {'dot': {'radius': 15, 'fill': 'blue'},
              'vt-line': {'stroke': '#964B00',
                          'stroke-width': 10,
                          'stroke-dasharray': '5,5'}}

def draw_node(node):
    if node.is_leaf:
        return leaf_style
    elif node.is_root:
        return root_style

layout = Layout(name='My layout', draw_node=draw_node)
from ete4 import Tree
from ete4.smartview import Layout, BASIC_LAYOUT

t = Tree('((((a,b),c),d),e);')

vowels = {'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u'}

def draw_node(node):
    if node.is_leaf:
        if in vowels:
            return {'dot': {'radius': 8},
                    'box': {'fill': 'red'}}

layout = Layout(name='My layout', draw_node=draw_node)
t.explore(layouts=[BASIC_LAYOUT, layout])


Faces are small pieces of graphical information that can be shown in nodes. For instance, text labels or external images can be linked to nodes and they will be plotted within the tree image.

Several types of node faces are provided by the ete4.smartview.faces submodule, ranging from simple text (TextFace) and geometric shapes (CircleFace) or (RectFace), to molecular sequence representations (SeqFace).

A complete list of available faces can be found at the faces module page.

Positioning faces

Faces can be placed on different positions around the node, namely top, bottom, right, left, or aligned (and for texts produced by the function draw_tree, also header).

For instance, if you want two text labels drawn below the branch line of a given node, a pair of TextFace faces can be created on the columns 0 and 1 of the bottom position, which are returned by the function draw_node:

from ete4 import Tree
from ete4.smartview import Layout, TextFace

t = Tree('((a:1,b:1):1,c:1):1;')

def draw_node(node):
    if node.is_root:
        return [TextFace('hello', style={'fill': 'red'},
                         column=0, position='bottom'),
                TextFace('world', style={'fill': 'blue'},
                         column=1, position='bottom')]

layout = Layout(name='My layout', draw_node=draw_node)

If we set the column of “world” to 0 too:

from ete4 import Tree
        return [TextFace('hello', style={'fill': 'red'},
                         column=0, position='bottom'),
                TextFace('world', style={'fill': 'blue'},
                         column=0, position='bottom')]

So if we add more than one face to the same area and column, they will be piled up.

If the position is aligned, the face will be drawn in an aligned column. Let’s see an example:

from ete4 import Tree
from ete4.smartview import Layout, TextFace

t = Tree('((a,b),c);')

def draw_node(node):
    if node.is_leaf:
        return [TextFace('hello', style={'fill': 'red'},
                         column=0, position='aligned'),
                TextFace('world', style={'fill': 'blue'},
                         column=1, position='aligned')]

layout = Layout(name='My layout', draw_node=draw_node)


Once a face object is created, it can be used in one or more nodes. For instance, the same text label could be “recycled” and added to several nodes.

Collapsed nodes

When viewing a large tree, ETE will collapse all the branches that are too small to be seen. When a branch is collapsed, we see a skeleton of its contents by default (but the shape can be changed to a triangular outline if we set it in the tree style, {'collapsed': {'shape': 'outline'}}).

When drawing collapsed nodes, we see by default the faces that correspond to all the sibling nodes that are collapsed together. But we can fine-tune this behavior by passing a second argument to the draw_node function. This argument will contain a list of all the collapsed (sibling) nodes at the time of the drawing, and it will be empty if the node is not collapsed. The function will look like draw_node(node, collapsed):

from ete4 import Tree
from ete4.smartview import Layout, TextFace

t = Tree('((a:1,b:1)n1:1,c):1;', parser='name')

def draw_node(node, collapsed):
    if == 'n1':
        if collapsed:
            return TextFace('n1 is collapsed', column=0, position='right')
            return TextFace('n1 is NOT collapsed', column=0, position='right')

layout = Layout(name='My layout', draw_node=draw_node)

Depending on the zoom level, we now will see:

../_images/not_collapsed.png ../_images/collapsed.png

Face properties

Each face has its own properties that control the details of its drawing. We can find a complete list for each face in the faces module documentation.

Let’s look at a simple example:

from ete4 import Tree
from ete4.smartview import Layout, TextFace

t = Tree('((a:1,b:1):1,c:1):1;')

# Create a TextFace initialized with certain properties.
face_top = TextFace('branch top!',
                    fs_min=6, fs_max=25, rotation=-10,
                    style={'fill': 'blue', 'font-family': 'courier'},
                    position='top', anchor=(-1, 1))

# Same thing, but adding them after initializing it.
face_bottom = TextFace('branch bottom!')
face_bottom.fs_min = 6
face_bottom.fs_max = 25
face_bottom.rotation = 10 = {'fill': 'red', 'font-family': 'sans-serif'}
face_bottom.position = 'bottom'
face_bottom.anchor = (-1, -1)

def draw_node(node):
    return [face_top, face_bottom]

layout = Layout(name='My layout', draw_node=draw_node)

Combining styles and faces

The draw_node function can return a list with as many styles and faces as we want.

If it returns just one element (a face or a dictionary representing a style), it is intepreted as a list of only one element (itself).

Instead of returning a list, we can also yield elements, that is, draw_node would become a python generator. This syntax is the cleanest and this way is the most efficient of all, so we will use it in the following examples.

Let’s see an example combining styles and faces, for both the tree (with draw_tree) and the nodes (with draw_node):

from ete4 import Tree
from ete4.smartview import Layout, TextFace, LegendFace

t = Tree('((((a,b),c),d),e);')

def draw_tree(tree):
    yield {'dot': {'opacity': 1, 'fill': 'black'}}

    yield TextFace('Vowel?', fs_min=6, fs_max=16, position='header')

    yield LegendFace('Type of letter',
                     colormap={'vowel': 'red', 'consonant': 'blue'})

vowels = {'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u'}

def draw_node(node):
    if not node.is_leaf:

    yield {'dot': {'shape': 'triangle', 'radius': 8}}

    if in vowels:
        yield {'box': {'fill': 'red'}}
        yield TextFace('yes, a vowel', style={'fill': 'red'},
        yield {'box': {'fill': 'blue'}}
        yield TextFace('not a vowel', style={'fill': 'blue'},

layout = Layout('Vowels layout', draw_tree=draw_tree, draw_node=draw_node)

Let’s see another example, where we change the background of certain nodes that are common ancestors to other nodes we are interested in:

from ete4 import Tree
from ete4.smartview import Layout, TextFace

t = Tree('((((a1,a2),a3), ((b1,b2),(b3,b4))), ((c1,c2),c3));')

# Background colors.
style1 = {'box': {'fill': 'LightSteelBlue'}}
style2 = {'box': {'fill': 'Moccasin'}}
style3 = {'box': {'fill': 'DarkSeaGreen'}}
style4 = {'box': {'fill': 'Khaki'}}

# Find common ancestors.
n1 = t.common_ancestor(['a1', 'a2', 'a3'])
n2 = t.common_ancestor(['b1', 'b2', 'b3', 'b4'])
n3 = t.common_ancestor(['c1', 'c2', 'c3'])
n4 = t.common_ancestor(['b3', 'b4'])

def draw_node(node):
    # Add node name with big text.
    yield TextFace(, fs_min=6, fs_max=25, position='right')

    # Set the node style.
    if node == n1:
        yield style1
    elif node == n2:
        yield style2
    elif node == n3:
        yield style3
    elif node == n4:
        yield style4

layout = Layout('My layout', draw_node=draw_node)