Phylogenetic trees¶
Phylogenetic trees are the result of most evolutionary analyses. They represent the evolutionary relationships among a set of species or, in molecular biology, a set of homologous sequences.
The PhyloTree
class is an extension of the base Tree
class, providing an appropriate way to deal with phylogenetic trees.
Thus, while leaves are considered to represent species (or sequences
from a given species genome), internal nodes are considered ancestral
nodes. A direct consequence of this is, for instance, that every split
in the tree will represent a speciation or duplication event.
Linking phylogenetic trees with multiple sequence alignments¶
instances allow molecular phylogenies to be linked
to Multiple Sequence Alignments (MSA). To associate an MSA with a
phylogenetic tree you can use the PhyloTree.link_to_alignment()
method. You can use the alg_format
argument to specify its
format (See SeqGroup
documentation for available formats).
Given that the FASTA format is not only applicable for MSA but also for unaligned sequences, you may also associate sequences of different lengths with tree nodes.
from ete4 import PhyloTree
fasta_txt = """
# Load a tree and link it to an alignment.
t = PhyloTree('(((seqA,seqB),seqC),seqD);')
t.link_to_alignment(alignment=fasta_txt, alg_format='fasta')
print(t.to_str(props=['name', 'sequence'], show_internal=False))
# ╭─┤
# │ │
# │
The same could be done at the time the tree is being loaded, by using
the alignment
and alg_format
arguments of
# Load a tree and link it to an alignment.
t = PhyloTree('(((seqA,seqB),seqC),seqD);',
alignment=fasta_txt, alg_format='fasta')
ETE’s sequence linking process is not strict, which means that a perfect match between all node names and sequences names is not required. Thus, if only one match is found between sequences names within the MSA file and tree node names, only one tree node will contain an associated sequence.
Also, it is important to note that sequence linking is not limited to terminal nodes. If internal nodes are named, and such names find a match within the provided MSA file, their corresponding sequences will be also loaded into the tree structure.
Once a MSA is linked, sequences will be available for every tree node
through its node.sequence
from ete4 import PhyloTree
fasta_txt = """
iphylip_txt = """
4 76
LTNVSH---- ------
LTNVSH---- ------
# Load a tree and link it to an alignment. As usual, 'alignment' can
# be the path to a file or data in text format.
t = PhyloTree('(((seqA,seqB),seqC),seqD);', alignment=fasta_txt, alg_format='fasta')
# We can now access the sequence of every leaf node.
for leaf in t:
print(, leaf.props['sequence'])
# The associated alignment can be changed at any time.
t.link_to_alignment(alignment=iphylip_txt, alg_format='iphylip')
# Let's check that sequences have changed
for leaf in t:
print(, leaf.props['sequence'])
# The sequence is considered as a node property, so you can
# even include sequences in your extended newick format.
print(t.write(props=['sequence'], parser=9))
# And yes, you can save this newick text and reload it into a PhyloTree instance.
sametree = PhyloTree(t.write(props=['sequence']))
print(sametree) # recovered tree with sequences
# ╭─┬╴seqA
# ╭─┤ ╰╴seqB
# ─┤ ╰╴seqC
# ╰╴seqD
print('seqA sequence:', t['seqA'].sequence)
Visualization of phylogenetic trees¶
PhyloTree instances can benefit from all the features of the programmable drawing engine. However, a built-in phylogenetic layout is provided for convenience.
All PhyloTree instances are, by default, attached to such layout for tree visualization, thus allowing for in-place alignment visualization and evolutionary events labeling.

from ete4 import PhyloTree, TreeStyle
alg = """
# Performs a tree reconciliation analysis
gene_tree_nw = '((Dme_001,Dme_002),(((Cfa_001,Mms_001),((Hsa_001,Ptr_001),Mmu_001)),(Ptr_002,(Hsa_002,Mmu_002))));'
species_tree_nw = "((((Hsa, Ptr), Mmu), (Mms, Cfa)), Dme);"
genetree = PhyloTree(gene_tree_nw)
sptree = PhyloTree(species_tree_nw)
recon_tree, events = genetree.reconcile(sptree)
Adding taxonomic information¶
instances allow to deal with leaf names and species
names separately. This is useful when working with molecular
phylogenies, in which node names usually represent sequence
Species names will be stored in the PhyloTree.species
attribute of each leaf node. The method PhyloTree.get_species()
can be used obtain the set of species names found under a given
internal node (speciation or duplication event). Often, sequence names
do contain species information as a part of the name, and ETE can
parse this information automatically.
There are three ways to establish the species of the different tree nodes:
By using the three first letters of the node’s name (default)
By dynamically calling a function based on the node’s name
By setting it manually for each node
Automatic control of species info¶
Example of the default retrieval of species information:
from ete4 import PhyloTree
t = PhyloTree('(((Hsa_001,Ptr_001),(Cfa_001,Mms_001)),(Dme_001,Dme_002));')
# ╭─┬╴Hsa_001
# ╭─┤ ╰╴Ptr_001
# ─┤ ╰─┬╴Cfa_001
# │ ╰╴Mms_001
# ╰─┬╴Dme_001
# ╰╴Dme_002
for n in t:
print('Node:',, ' Species:', n.species)
# Node: Hsa_001 Species: Hsa
# Node: Ptr_001 Species: Ptr
# Node: Cfa_001 Species: Cfa
# Node: Mms_001 Species: Mms
# Node: Dme_001 Species: Dme
# Node: Dme_002 Species: Dme
Automatic (custom) control of the species info¶
The default behavior can be changed by using the
method or by using the
argument of the PhyloTree
Note that, using the sp_naming_function
argument, the whole
tree structure will be initialized to use the provided parsing
function to obtain species name information.
(present in all tree
nodes) can be used to change the behavior in a previously loaded tree,
or to set different parsing functions to different parts of the tree.
from ete4 import PhyloTree
t = PhyloTree('(((Hsa_001,Ptr_001),(Cfa_001,Mms_001)),(Dme_001,Dme_002));')
# Let's use our own leaf name parsing function to obtain species names.
# We just need to create a function that takes a node's name as argument
# and return its corresponding species name.
def get_species_name(node_name_string):
# Species code is the first part of leaf name (separated by an
# underscore character).
spcode = node_name_string.split('_')[0]
# We could even translate the code to complete names.
code2name = {
'Dme':'Drosophila melanogaster',
'Hsa':'Homo sapiens',
'Ptr':'Pan troglodytes',
'Mms':'Mus musculus',
'Cfa':'Canis familiaris'
return code2name[spcode]
# Now, let's ask the tree to use our custom species naming function.
for n in t:
print('Node:',, ' Species:', n.species)
# Node: Hsa_001 Species: Homo sapiens
# Node: Ptr_001 Species: Pan troglodytes
# Node: Cfa_001 Species: Canis familiaris
# Node: Mms_001 Species: Mus musculus
# Node: Dme_001 Species: Drosophila melanogaster
# Node: Dme_002 Species: Drosophila melanogaster
Manual control of the species info¶
To disable the automatic generation of species names based on node
names, a None
value can be passed to the
function. From then on,
the species attribute will not be automatically updated based on the name
of nodes and it could be controlled manually.
from ete4 import PhyloTree
# You can disable the automatic generation of species names.
# To do so, you can set the species naming function to None.
# This is useful to set the species names manually, or for reading them
# from a newick file. Otherwise, the species property would be overwriten.
mynewick = """
t = PhyloTree(mynewick, sp_naming_function=None)
for n in t:
print('Node:',, ' Species:', n.species)
# Node: Hsa_001 Species: Human
# Node: Ptr_001 Species: Chimp
# Node: Cfa_001 Species: Dog
# Node: Mms_001 Species: Mouse
# Node: Dme_001 Species: Fly
# Node: Dme_002 Species: Fly
Download full example: species-aware trees
Detecting evolutionary events¶
There are several ways to automatically detect duplication and speciation nodes. ETE provides two ways.
The first implements the algorithm described in Huerta-Cepas (2007) and is based on the species overlap (SO) between partitions and thus does not depend on the availability of a species tree.
The second, which requires the comparison between the gene tree and a previously defined species tree, implements a strict tree reconciliation algorithm (Page and Charleston, 1997). By detecting evolutionary events, orthology and paralogy relationships among sequences can also be inferred.
You can find a comparison of both methods in Marcet-Houben and Gabaldon (2009).
Species Overlap (SO) algorithm¶
In order to apply the SO algorithm, you can use the
method (it will detect
all evolutionary events under the current node) or the
method (it will detect only the
evolutionary events in which the current node, a leaf, is involved).
By default the species overlap score (SOS) threshold is set to
0.0, which means that a single species in common between two node
branches will rise a duplication event. This has been shown to perform
the best with real data, however you can adjust the threshold using
the sos_thr
argument present in both methods.
from ete4 import PhyloTree
# Load an example tree.
nw = """
t = PhyloTree(nw)
# ╭─┬╴Dme_001
# │ ╰╴Dme_002
# ─┤ ╭─┬╴Cfa_001
# │ ╭─┤ ╰╴Mms_001
# │ │ │ ╭─┬╴Hsa_001
# ╰─┤ ╰─┤ ╰╴Ptr_001
# │ ╰╴Mmu_001
# ╰─┬╴Ptr_002
# ╰─┬╴Hsa_002
# ╰╴Mmu_002
# To obtain all the evolutionary events involving a given leaf node we
# use the get_my_evol_events method.
human_seq = t['Hsa_001']
events = human_seq.get_my_evol_events() # obtain its evolutionary events
# Print its orthology and paralogy relationships.
print('Events detected that involve Hsa_001:')
for ev in events:
r = {'S': 'Orthology', 'D': 'Paralogy'}[ev.etype] # relationship
print('%11s: %s <==> %s' % (r, ','.join(ev.in_seqs), ','.join(ev.out_seqs)))
# Events detected that involve Hsa_001:
# Orthology: Hsa_001 <==> Ptr_001
# Orthology: Ptr_001,Hsa_001 <==> Mmu_001
# Orthology: Ptr_001,Hsa_001,Mmu_001 <==> Mms_001,Cfa_001
# Paralogy: Mms_001,Mmu_001,Ptr_001,Hsa_001,Cfa_001 <==> Ptr_002,Mmu_002,Hsa_002
# Orthology: Hsa_002,Mms_001,Mmu_001,Ptr_001,Hsa_001,Ptr_002,Mmu_002,Cfa_001 <==> Dme_001,Dme_002
# Alternatively, you can scan the whole tree topology.
events = t.get_descendant_evol_events()
# Print its orthology and paralogy relationships.
print('Events detected from the root of the tree:')
for ev in events:
r = {'S': 'Orthology', 'D': 'Paralogy'}[ev.etype] # relationship
print('%11s: %s <==> %s' % (r, ','.join(ev.in_seqs), ','.join(ev.out_seqs)))
# Events detected from the root of the tree:
# Orthology: Dme_001,Dme_002 <==> Hsa_002,Mms_001,Mmu_001,Ptr_001,Hsa_001,Ptr_002,Mmu_002,Cfa_001
# Paralogy: Dme_001 <==> Dme_002
# Paralogy: Mms_001,Mmu_001,Ptr_001,Hsa_001,Cfa_001 <==> Ptr_002,Mmu_002,Hsa_002
# Orthology: Mms_001,Cfa_001 <==> Ptr_001,Hsa_001,Mmu_001
# Orthology: Ptr_002 <==> Mmu_002,Hsa_002
# Orthology: Cfa_001 <==> Mms_001
# Orthology: Ptr_001,Hsa_001 <==> Mmu_001
# Orthology: Hsa_002 <==> Mmu_002
# Orthology: Hsa_001 <==> Ptr_001
# If we are only interested in the orthology and paralogy relationship
# among a given set of species, we can filter the list of sequences.
def fseqs(slist):
"""Return only the sequences in slist that are from human or mouse."""
return [s for s in slist if s.startswith('Hsa') or s.startswith('Mms')]
print('Paralogy relationships among human and mouse:')
for ev in events:
if ev.etype == 'D':
# Prints paralogy relationships considering only human and
# mouse. Some duplication events may not involve such species,
# so they will be empty.
print(','.join(fseqs(ev.in_seqs)), '<==>', ','.join(fseqs(ev.out_seqs)))
# Paralogy relationships among human and mouse:
# <==>
# Hsa_001,Mms_001 <==> Hsa_002
# Note that besides the list of events returned, the detection
# algorithm has labeled the tree nodes according with the
# predictions. We can use such lables as normal node features.
dups = list(t.search_nodes(evoltype='D')) # get all duplication nodes
Tree reconciliation algorithm¶
The tree reconciliation algorithm uses a predefined species tree to infer all the necessary gene losses that explain a given gene tree topology. Consequently, duplication and separation nodes will strictly follow the species tree topology.
To perform a tree reconciliation analysis over a given node in a
molecular phylogeny you can use the PhyloTree.reconcile()
method, which requires a species PhyloTree
as its first
argument. Leaf node names in the the species are expected to be the
same species codes in the gene tree (see taxonomic_info). All
species codes present in the gene tree should appear in the species
As a result, the PhyloTree.reconcile()
method will label the
original gene tree nodes as duplication or speciation, will return the
list of inferred events, and will return a new reconcilied tree
instance), in which inferred gene losses are
present and labeled.
from ete4 import PhyloTree
# Load a gene tree and its corresponding species tree. Note that
# species names in sptree are the 3 firs letters of leaf nodes in
# genetree.
gene_tree_nw = '((Dme_001,Dme_002),(((Cfa_001,Mms_001),((Hsa_001,Ptr_001),Mmu_001)),(Ptr_002,(Hsa_002,Mmu_002))));'
species_tree_nw = '((((Hsa,Ptr),Mmu),(Mms,Cfa)),Dme);'
genetree = PhyloTree(gene_tree_nw)
sptree = PhyloTree(species_tree_nw)
# ╭─┬╴Dme_001
# │ ╰╴Dme_002
# ─┤ ╭─┬╴Cfa_001
# │ ╭─┤ ╰╴Mms_001
# │ │ │ ╭─┬╴Hsa_001
# ╰─┤ ╰─┤ ╰╴Ptr_001
# │ ╰╴Mmu_001
# ╰─┬╴Ptr_002
# ╰─┬╴Hsa_002
# ╰╴Mmu_002
# ╭─┬╴Hsa
# ╭─┤ ╰╴Ptr
# ╭─┤ ╰╴Mmu
# ─┤ ╰─┬╴Mms
# │ ╰╴Cfa
# ╰╴Dme
# Let's reconcile our gene tree with the species tree.
recon_tree, events = genetree.reconcile(sptree)
# A new "reconcilied tree" is returned. As well as the list of
# inferred events.
print('Orthology and paralogy relationships:')
for ev in events:
if ev.etype == 'S':
print(' Orthology:',
','.join(ev.inparalogs), '<==>', ','.join(ev.orthologs))
elif ev.etype == 'D':
print(' Paralogy:',
','.join(ev.inparalogs), '<==>', ','.join(ev.outparalogs))
# Orthology and paralogy relationships:
# Paralogy: Dme_001 <==> Dme_002
# Orthology: Cfa_001 <==> Mms_001
# Orthology: Hsa_001 <==> Ptr_001
# Orthology: Hsa_001,Ptr_001 <==> Mmu_001
# Orthology: Cfa_001,Mms_001 <==> Hsa_001,Ptr_001,Mmu_001
# Orthology: Hsa_002 <==> Mmu_002
# Paralogy: Ptr_002 <==> Hsa_002,Mmu_002
# Paralogy: Cfa_001,Mms_001,Hsa_001,Ptr_001,Mmu_001 <==> Ptr_002,Hsa_002,Mmu_002
# Orthology: Dme_001,Dme_002 <==> Cfa_001,Mms_001,Hsa_001,Ptr_001,Mmu_001,Ptr_002,Hsa_002,Mmu_002
# And we can explore the resulting reconciled tree. Notice how the
# reconcilied tree is the same as the gene tree with some added
# branches. They are inferred gene losses.
# ╭─┬╴Dme_001
# │ ╰╴Dme_002
# │ ╭─┬╴Cfa_001
# ─┤ ╭─┤ ╰╴Mms_001
# │ │ │ ╭─┬╴Hsa_001
# │ │ ╰─┤ ╰╴Ptr_001
# ╰─┤ ╰╴Mmu_001
# │ ╭─┬╴Mms
# │ │ ╰╴Cfa
# ╰─┤ ╭─┬╴Hsa
# │ ╭─┤ ╰╴Ptr_002
# ╰─┤ ╰╴Mmu
# │ ╭─┬╴Ptr
# ╰─┤ ╰╴Hsa_002
# ╰╴Mmu_002
# And we can visualize the trees using the default phylogeny
# visualization layout.
A closer look to the evolutionary event object¶
Both methods, species overlap and tree reconciliation, can be used to
label each tree node as a duplication or speciation event. Thus, the
attribute of every node will be set to one
of the following states: D
(Duplication), S
(Speciation) or
gene loss.
Additionally, a list of all the detected events is returned. Each
event is a python object of type phylo.EvolEvent
, containing
some basic information about each event (etype
, out_seqs
, node
If an event represents a duplication, in_seqs
are all paralogous
to out_seqs
. Similarly, if an event represents a speciation,
are all orthologous to out_seqs
Relative dating of phylogenetic nodes¶
In molecular phylogeny, nodes can be interpreted as evolutionary events. Therefore, they represent duplication or speciation events.
In the case of gene duplication events, nodes can also be assigned to a certain point in a relative temporal scale. In other words, you can obtain a relative dating of all the duplication events detected.
Although absolute dating is always preferred and more precise, topological dating provides a faster approach to compare the relative age of paralogous sequences (read this for a comparison with other methods, such as the use of synonymous substitution rates as a proxy to the divergence time).
Some applications of topological dating can be found in Huerta-Cepas et al, 2007 or in Huerta-Cepas et al, 2011 or in Kalinka et al, 2001.
The aim of relative dating is to establish a gradient of ages among sequences. For this, a reference species needs to be fixed, so the gradient of ages will be referred to that referent point.
Thus, if our reference species is Human, we could establish the following gradient of species:
(1) Human -> (2) Other Primates -> (3) Mammals -> (4) Vertebrates
So, nodes in a tree can be assigned to one of the above categories depending on the sequences grouped. For instance:
A node with only human sequences will be mapped to (1)
A node with human and orangutan sequences will be mapped to (2)
A node with human a fish sequences will be mapped to (4)
This simple calculation can be done automatically by encoding the gradient of species ages as a dictionary:
relative_dist = {
'human': 0, # human
'chimp': 1, # primates non human
'rat': 2, # mammals non primates
'mouse': 2, # mammals non primates
'fish': 3 # vertebrates non mammals
Once done, ETE can check the relative age of any tree node. The
method can be used to that purpose.
For example, let’s consider the following gene tree:
│ ╰╴chimpA
│ │ ╭╴humanB
╭╴⊗╶┤ ╰╴⊗╶┤
│ │ ╰╴chimpB
╭╴⊗╶┤ │
│ │ ╰╴mouseA
│ │
│ ╰╴fish
│ ╭╴humanC
│ ╭╴⊗╶┤
│ ╭╴⊗╶┤ ╰╴chimpC
│ │ │
╰╴Dup2╶┤ ╰╴humanD
│ ╭╴ratC
The expected node dating would be:
Dup1 will be assigned to primates (most distant species is chimp).
will return 1.Dup2 will be assigned to mammals [2] (most distant species are rat and mouse).
will return 2.Dup3 will be assigned to mammals [3] (most distant species is fish).
will return 3.
from ete4 import PhyloTree
# Create a gene phylogeny with several duplication events at different
# levels. Note that we are using the default method for detecting the
# species code of leaves (three first lettes in the node name are
# considered the species code).
nw = """
t = PhyloTree(nw)
# ╭─┬╴Dme_001
# │ ╰╴Dme_002
# │ ╭─┬╴Cfa_001
# ─┤ │ ╰╴Mms_001
# │ ╭─┤ ╭─┬╴Hsa_001
# │ │ │ ╭─┤ ╰╴Hsa_003
# │ │ │ ╭─┤ ╰╴Ptr_001
# ╰─┤ ╰─┤ ╰╴Mmu_001
# │ │ ╭─┬╴Hsa_004
# │ ╰─┤ ╰╴Ptr_004
# │ ╰╴Mmu_004
# ╰─┬╴Ptr_002
# ╰─┬╴Hsa_002
# ╰╴Mmu_002
# Create a dictionary with relative ages for the species present in
# the phylogenetic tree. Note that ages are only relative numbers to
# define which species are older, and that different species can
# belong to the same age.
species2age = {
'Hsa': 1, # Homo sapiens (Hominids)
'Ptr': 2, # P. troglodytes (primates)
'Mmu': 2, # Macaca mulata (primates)
'Mms': 3, # Mus musculus (mammals)
'Cfa': 3, # Canis familiaris (mammals)
'Dme': 4 # Drosophila melanogaster (metazoa)
# We can translate each number to its correspondig taxonomic number.
age2name = {
1: 'hominids',
2: 'primates',
3: 'mammals',
4: 'metazoa'
event1 = t.common_ancestor(['Hsa_001', 'Hsa_004'])
event2 = t.common_ancestor(['Hsa_001', 'Hsa_002'])
print('The duplication event leading to the human sequences Hsa_001 and '
'Hsa_004 is dated at:', age2name[event1.get_age(species2age)])
print('The duplication event leading to the human sequences Hsa_001 and '
'Hsa_002 is dated at:', age2name[event2.get_age(species2age)])
# The duplication event leading to the human sequences Hsa_001 and Hsa_004
# is dated at: primates
# The duplication event leading to the human sequences Hsa_001 and Hsa_002
# is dated at: mammals
Note that relative distances will vary depending on your reference species.
Automatic rooting (outgroup detection)¶
Two methods are provided to assist in the automatic rooting of phylogenetic trees. Since tree nodes contain relative age information (based on the species code autodetection), the same relative age dictionaries can be used to detect the farthest and oldest node in a tree to given sequences.
can be used for that
Working with duplicated gene families¶
TreeKO (splitting gene trees into species trees)¶
Comparisons between tree topologies provide important information for many evolutionary studies. TreeKO (Marcet and Gabaldon, 2011) is a method that allows the comparison of any two tree topologies, even those with missing leaves and duplications. This is important in genome-wide analysis since many trees do not have exact leaf pairings and therefore most tree comparison methods are rendered useless.
Although TreeKO is available as a standalone package, it uses ETE to generate all possible species tree topologies within a duplicated gene family tree.
Thus, the ETE method PhyloTree.get_speciation_trees()
expected to provide the core functionality required to perform a
TreeKO analysis. It returns a list of all possible species trees
observed after combining the different non-duplicated subparts under a
gene family tree node.
Duplication events will be automatically identified using the species
overlap algorithm described within this manual. However, duplication
nodes can be manually labeled and used by disabling the
Because of the combinatorial background of the TreeKO method, the number of speciation trees generated by this function may vary enormously (ranging from few hundreds to tens of thousands of topologies).
Here is a basic example on how to use it:
from ete4 import PhyloTree
t = PhyloTree('((((Human_1,Chimp_1),(Human_2,(Chimp_2,Chimp_3))),((Fish_1, (Human_3,Fish_3)),Yeast_2)),Yeast_1);')
t.set_species_naming_function(lambda node:'_')[0])
print(t.to_str(props=['name', 'species'], show_internal=False))
# ╭╴Human_1,Human
# ╭─┤
# │ ╰╴Chimp_1,Chimp
# ╭─┤
# │ │ ╭╴Human_2,Human
# │ ╰─┤
# │ │ ╭╴Chimp_2,Chimp
# │ ╰─┤
# ╭─┤ ╰╴Chimp_3,Chimp
# │ │
# │ │ ╭╴Fish_1,Fish
# │ │ ╭─┤
# │ │ │ │ ╭╴Human_3,Human
# ─┤ ╰─┤ ╰─┤
# │ │ ╰╴Fish_3,Fish
# │ │
# │ ╰╴Yeast_2,Yeast
# │
# ╰╴Yeast_1,Yeast
# We obtain a list of species trees inferred from the duplication
# events. Note that species-specific duplications are ignored.
ntrees, ndups, sptrees = t.get_speciation_trees()
print(f'Found {ntrees} species trees and {ndups} duplication nodes.')
for spt in sptrees:
# Found 5 species trees and 4 duplication nodes.
# ─┬╴Human_1
# ╰╴Chimp_1
# ─┬╴Human_2
# ╰─┬╴Chimp_2
# ╰╴Chimp_3
# ─┬╴Fish_1
# ╰╴Yeast_2
# ╭─┬╴Human_3
# ─┤ ╰╴Fish_3
# ╰╴Yeast_2
# ╴Yeast_1
For performance reasons, species trees are created without any link
to the original gene family tree, rather than the species name of
each node. However, the map_features
attribute can be used
to keep certain attributes of the original tree into the generated
species trees.
Although the efficiency of the method to generate all possible trees
has been significantly improved from ETE version 2.2, creating
thousands of new PhyloTree objects could affect performance. The
flag newick_only
is now available to limit the output to a
newick string per generated tree, thus improving the speed they can
be processed or dumped into a file.
Splitting gene trees by duplication events¶
A much simpler approach to separate duplicates within the same gene
family tree is to split the topology by their duplication nodes. For
this, the method PhyloTree.split_by_dups()
is provided.
from ete4 import PhyloTree
t = PhyloTree('((((Human_1,Chimp_1),(Human_2,(Chimp_2,Chimp_3))),((Fish_1,(Human_3,Fish_3)),Yeast_2)),Yeast_1);')
t.set_species_naming_function(lambda node:'_')[0])
print(t.to_str(props=['name', 'species'], show_internal=False))
# ╭╴Human_1,Human
# ╭─┤
# │ ╰╴Chimp_1,Chimp
# ╭─┤
# │ │ ╭╴Human_2,Human
# │ ╰─┤
# │ │ ╭╴Chimp_2,Chimp
# │ ╰─┤
# ╭─┤ ╰╴Chimp_3,Chimp
# │ │
# │ │ ╭╴Fish_1,Fish
# │ │ ╭─┤
# │ │ │ │ ╭╴Human_3,Human
# ─┤ ╰─┤ ╰─┤
# │ │ ╰╴Fish_3,Fish
# │ │
# │ ╰╴Yeast_2,Yeast
# │
# ╰╴Yeast_1,Yeast
# Again, species specific duplications are ignored.
for node in t.split_by_dups():
print(node, '\n')
# ─┬╴Human_1
# ╰╴Chimp_1
# ─┬╴Human_2
# ╰─┬╴Chimp_2
# ╰╴Chimp_3
# ╴Yeast_2
# ╴Fish_1
# ─┬╴Human_3
# ╰╴Fish_3
# ╴Yeast_1
Collapse species specific duplications¶
The method PhyloTree.collapse_lineage_specific_expansions()
returns a pruned version of a tree, where nodes representing lineage
specific expansions are converted into a single leaf node.
From the previous examples, the lineage specific duplication of Chimp_1 and Chimp_2 could be easily collapsed into a single node.
from ete4 import PhyloTree
t = PhyloTree('((((Human_1,Chimp_1),(Human_2,(Chimp_2,Chimp_3))),((Fish_1,(Human_3,Fish_3)),Yeast_2)),Yeast_1);')
t.set_species_naming_function(lambda node:'_')[0])
print(t.to_str(props=['name', 'species'], show_internal=False))
# ╭╴Human_1,Human
# ╭─┤
# │ ╰╴Chimp_1,Chimp
# ╭─┤
# │ │ ╭╴Human_2,Human
# │ ╰─┤
# │ │ ╭╴Chimp_2,Chimp
# │ ╰─┤ <-- look at these two leaves
# ╭─┤ ╰╴Chimp_3,Chimp
# │ │
# │ │ ╭╴Fish_1,Fish
# │ │ ╭─┤
# │ │ │ │ ╭╴Human_3,Human
# ─┤ ╰─┤ ╰─┤
# │ │ ╰╴Fish_3,Fish
# │ │
# │ ╰╴Yeast_2,Yeast
# │
# ╰╴Yeast_1,Yeast
t2 = t.collapse_lineage_specific_expansions()
print(t2.to_str(props=['name', 'species'], show_internal=False))
# ╭╴Human_1,Human
# ╭─┤
# │ ╰╴Chimp_1,Chimp
# ╭─┤
# │ │ ╭╴Human_2,Human
# │ ╰─┤
# │ ╰╴Chimp_3,Chimp <-- they are collapsed now
# ╭─┤
# │ │ ╭╴Fish_1,Fish
# │ │ ╭─┤
# │ │ │ │ ╭╴Human_3,Human
# ─┤ ╰─┤ ╰─┤
# │ │ ╰╴Fish_3,Fish
# │ │
# │ ╰╴Yeast_2,Yeast
# │
# ╰╴Yeast_1,Yeast