
Most of the code is written in python. For efficiency reasons, the core.tree, core.operations and parser.newick submodules are written in cython, which makes the parser about twice as fast while making the final tree take about half the memory.

When exploring trees (“smartview”), there is an http server (ete4/smartview/explorer.py) that exposes as an api the graphical capabilities of ETE and also serves a gui to explore the trees interactively by making use of that api.

The server acts as a backend to the requests made by the frontend, which is written in javascript.

Project Layout

The principal files of the project are:

ete4/  # the module directory
    tree.pyx  # the Tree class and related functions
    operations.pyx  # tree-related operations
    newick.pyx  # newick parser
    draw.py  # drawing classes and functions to represent a tree
    explorer.py  # http server that exposes an api to interact with trees
      gui.html  # entry point for the interactive visualization (html)
        gui.js  # entry point for the interactive visualization (js)

For a more detailed view, see the detailed layout.