
This document explains the internal details about how ETE draws trees on the browser.

The smartview module contains a draw() function that takes mainly a tree and a viewport, and can produce a list of graphical commands.

Graphical Commands

The draw() function is a generator that yields graphical commands. They are mainly a description of basic graphic items, which are lists that look like:

['hz-line', [0.0, 0.5], [8.0, 0.5], [], '']

It always starts with the name of the graphical command, followed by its parameters. (This is similar to creating a DSL with functions that draw, and which will be interpreted in the frontend.)


When the browser opens a tree, it will see the file ete4/smartview/static/gui.html. This is a simple web page, which loads js/gui.js to provide all the functionality.

The code in gui.js loads many different modules to visualize and interact with trees. It contains an object view (with information on the current view of the tree) which is a sort of global variable repository. This is mainly used in the menus to expose and control its values.

Drawing areas

They can be seen in gui.html. They are:


API calls

When starting to browse a tree, we see this order of api calls:










and from that moment, when moving and zooming the tree, typically many similar draw calls like:


And there are different kind of api calls made when editing or changing the tree in different ways.

Code paths

The initial api calls come from the following places in the code:

    init_trees  # /trees
    populate_layouts  # /trees/tree-1/layouts
    set_tree_style  # /trees/tree-1/style?active=["basic","Example+layout"]
    set_consistent_values  # /trees/tree-1/size
    store_node_count  # /trees/tree-1/nodecount
    store_node_properties  # /trees/tree-1/properties
    init_pixi  # /static/images/spritesheet.json /static/images/spritesheet.png
    update  # (in draw.js)
      draw_tree  # /trees/tree-1/draw?[...]