Parser for trees represented in newick format.
- exception NewickError¶
- content_repr(node, props=None, parser=None)¶
Return content of a node as represented in newick format.
- dump(tree, fp, props=None, parser=None, format_root_node=True, is_leaf_fn=None)¶
- dumps(tree, props=None, parser=None, format_root_node=True, is_leaf_fn=None)¶
Return newick representation of the given tree.
- error(text)¶
- get_extended_props(unicode text)¶
Return a dict with the properties extracted from the text in NHX format.
Example: ‘&&NHX:x=foo:y=bar’ -> {‘x’: ‘foo’, ‘y’: ‘bar’}
- load(fp, parser=None)¶
- loads(unicode text, parser=None, tree_class=Tree)¶
Return tree from its newick representation.
- make_parser(parser=None, name='%s', dist='%g', support='%g')¶
Return parser changing the format of properties name, dist or support.
- prop_repr(prop)¶
Return a newick-acceptable representation of the given property.
- quote(name, escaped_chars=" \t\r\n()[]':;,")¶
Return the name quoted if it has any characters that need escaping.
- read_content(unicode text, long pos, endings=u', );')¶
Return content starting at position pos in text, and where it ends.
- read_node(unicode text, long pos, dict parser, tree_class=Tree, check_req=True)¶
Return a node and the position in the text where it ends.
- read_nodes(unicode text, long pos, dict parser, tree_class=Tree)¶
Return a list of nodes and the position in the text where they end.
- read_props(unicode text, long pos, is_leaf, dict parser, check_req)¶
Return the properties from the content of a node, and where it ends.
- Example (for the default format of a leaf node):
‘abc:123[&&NHX:x=foo]’ -> {‘name’: ‘abc’, ‘dist’: 123, ‘x’: ‘foo’}
- repr_short(obj, max_len=50)¶
Return a representation of the given object, limited in length.
- skip_content(unicode text, long pos, endings=u', );')¶
Return the position where the content ends.
- skip_quoted_name(unicode text, long pos)¶
Return the position where a quoted name ends.
- skip_spaces_and_comments(unicode text, long pos)¶
Return position in text after pos and all whitespaces and comments.
- unquote(name)¶
Return the name unquoted if it was quoted.
Read trees from a file in nexus format.
- apply_translations(translate, newick, parser=None)[source]¶
Return newick with node names translated according to the given dict.
- get_commands(text_section)[source]¶
Return a dict that for each command has a list with its arguments.
- get_section(text, section_name)[source]¶
Return commands ({name: [args]}) that correspond to the given section.