

Parser for trees represented in newick format.

The main functions are loads() and dumps(), which read/write a tree from/to its newick text representation.

When reading a newick file, the argument parser=... specifies which kind of parser to use.

The classical ones in ete are the following:




0 (*)

internal nodes with support (flexible)



internal nodes with names (flexible)



internal w/ support, all values present



internal w/ names, all values present



names and lengths for leaves only



leaf names and all lengths



leaf names and internal lengths



all names and leaf lengths



all names (leaves and internal nodes)



leaf names only



topology only


where the example tree would look (more or less) like:

 │     ╰╴E:5
 │     ╭╴F:6

There are other valid values for parser:

  • 'name', same as 1

  • 'support', same as 0

  • 'multisupport', internal nodes look like ((X:5)80/100:7)..., that is, have multiple values of support separated by /

More generally, parser can be a dictionary that specifies in detail how to read/write each field. It must say, for leaf and internal nodes, what p0:p1 means (which properties they are, including how to read and write them). For example, the default parser looks like:

    'leaf':     [NAME,    DIST],  # ((name:dist)x:y);
    'internal': [SUPPORT, DIST],  # ((x:y)support:dist);

where NAME and DIST are “property dicts”, that have all the information for a property (pname) to know which function to apply to read/write from/to a string. For example, DIST is:

DIST = {'pname': 'dist', 'read': float, 'write': lambda x: '%g' % float(x)}
exception NewickError
content_repr(node, props=None, parser=None)

Return content of a node as represented in newick format.

dump(tree, fp, props=None, parser=None, format_root_node=True, is_leaf_fn=None)
dumps(tree, props=None, parser=None, format_root_node=True, is_leaf_fn=None)

Return newick representation of the given tree.

get_extended_props(unicode text)

Return a dict with the properties extracted from the text in NHX format.

Example: ‘&&NHX:x=foo:y=bar’ -> {‘x’: ‘foo’, ‘y’: ‘bar’}

load(fp, parser=None)
loads(unicode text, parser=None, tree_class=Tree)

Return tree from its newick representation.

make_parser(parser=None, name='%s', dist='%g', support='%g')

Return parser changing the format of properties name, dist or support.


Return a newick-acceptable representation of the given property.

quote(name, escaped_chars=" \t\r\n()[]':;,")

Return the name quoted if it has any characters that need escaping.

read_content(unicode text, long pos, endings=u', );')

Return content starting at position pos in text, and where it ends.

read_node(unicode text, long pos, dict parser, tree_class=Tree, check_req=True)

Return a node and the position in the text where it ends.

read_nodes(unicode text, long pos, dict parser, tree_class=Tree)

Return a list of nodes and the position in the text where they end.

read_props(unicode text, long pos, is_leaf, dict parser, check_req)

Return the properties from the content of a node, and where it ends.

Example (for the default format of a leaf node):

‘abc:123[&&NHX:x=foo]’ -> {‘name’: ‘abc’, ‘dist’: 123, ‘x’: ‘foo’}

repr_short(obj, max_len=50)

Return a representation of the given object, limited in length.

skip_content(unicode text, long pos, endings=u', );')

Return the position where the content ends.

skip_quoted_name(unicode text, long pos)

Return the position where a quoted name ends.

skip_spaces_and_comments(unicode text, long pos)

Return position in text after pos and all whitespaces and comments.


Return the name unquoted if it was quoted.


Read trees from a file in nexus format.

exception NexusError[source]
apply_translations(translate, newick, parser=None)[source]

Return newick with node names translated according to the given dict.


Return a dict that for each command has a list with its arguments.

get_section(text, section_name)[source]

Return commands ({name: [args]}) that correspond to the given section.


Return {section: commands} read from the full text of a nexus file.

get_trees(text, parser=None)[source]

Return trees as {name: newick} with all the name transformations done.

load(fp, parser=None)[source]
loads(text, parser=None)[source]