Detailed Layout =============== There are several parts to the project. The module ``ete4`` has submodules to create trees (``core/tree.pyx``) and parse newicks (``parser/newick.pyx``) and other formats, do tree-related operations (``core/operations.pyx``), and more. The ``smartview`` module contains an http server based on `bottle `_ (in ````). It exposes in an api all the operations that can be done to manage and represent the trees, and also provides access to ``gui.html``, which shows a gui on the browser to explore the trees. It uses the code in ``gui.js`` and all the other imported js modules in the same directory. It also serves an entry page with a short description and an easy way to upload new trees, ``upload.html`` (which uses ``upload.js``). There are tests for most of the python code in ``tests``. They can be run with pytest. A more complete layout with the relevant parts for tree exploration:: pyproject.toml # build system (see PEP 518) ete4/ # the module directory core/ tree.pyx # the Tree class operations.pyx # tree-related operations # text visualization of trees parser/ newick.pyx # newick parser # functions to handle trees in the nexus format # ete's own optimized format # parser for indented trees smartview/ # drawing classes and functions to represent a tree # http server that exposes an api to interact with trees static/ # files served for the gui and uploading gui.html # entry point for the interactive visualization (html) gui.css upload.html # landing page with the upload tree interface upload.css images/ icon.png spritesheet.png spritesheet.json js/ gui.js # entry point for the interactive visualization (js) menu.js # initialize the menus draw.js # call to the api to get drawing items and convert to svg pixi.js minimap.js # handle the current tree view on the minimap zoom.js drag.js download.js contextmenu.js # what happens when one right-clicks on the tree events.js # hotkeys, mouse events search.js collapse.js label.js tag.js api.js # handle calls to the server's api upload.js # upload trees to the server external/ # where we keep a copy of external libraries # description of where to find them tweakpane.min.js sweetalert2.min.js pixi.min.mjs tests/ # tests for the existing functionality, to run with pytest docs/ # documentation