Source code for ete4.smartview.renderer.layouts.staple_layouts

from ..treelayout import TreeLayout
from ..faces import TextFace, RectFace, ScaleFace
from ...utils import InvalidUsage
from ....utils import random_color

__all__ = [ "LayoutBarplot" ]

def interpolate_colors(c1, c2, mix=0):
    """Return a color between c1 (for mix=0) and c2 (for mix=1)."""
    # '#ff5500', '#001122', 0.5  ->  '#7f3311'
    assert c1.startswith('#') and c2.startswith('#') and len(c1) == len(c2) == 7
    return '#' + ''.join('%02x' % int((1-mix) * int(c1[1+2*i:3+2*i], 16) +
                                      mix     * int(c2[1+2*i:3+2*i], 16)) for i in range(3))
    # NOTE: The original solution (depending on numpy and matplotlib -- not great), was:

class LayoutPlot(TreeLayout):
    def __init__(self, name=None, width=200, size_prop=None, color_prop=None,
            position="aligned", column=0,
            color_gradient=None, color="red", colors=None,
            padding_x=10, scale=True, legend=True, active=True):
                aligned_faces=True if position == "aligned" else False,
                legend=legend, active=active)

        self.width = width
        self.position = position
        self.column = column

        self.scale = scale
        self.padding_x = padding_x

        # if not (size_prop or color_prop):
            # raise InvalidUsage("Either size_prop or color_prop required")

        self.size_prop = size_prop
        self.color_prop = color_prop

        self.size_range = None
        self.color_range = None

        self.color = color
        self.colors = colors
        self.color_gradient = color_gradient
        if self.color_prop and not self.color_gradient:
            self.color_gradient = ("#FFF", self.color)

    def set_tree_style(self, tree, tree_style):
        super().set_tree_style(tree, tree_style)
        def update_vals(metric, node):
            p, minval, maxval, uniqvals = vals[metric]
            prop = node.props.get(p)
                prop = float(prop)
                vals[metric][1] = min(minval, prop)
                vals[metric][2] = max(maxval, prop)

        vals = {
            "size": [ self.size_prop, 0, 0, set() ],    # min, max, unique
            "color":  [ self.color_prop,  0, 0, set() ] # min, max, unique

        for node in tree.traverse():
            if self.size_prop:
                update_vals("size", node)

            if self.color_prop:
                update_vals("color", node)

        if self.size_prop:
            self.size_range = vals["size"][1:3]

        if self.color_prop:
            unique = vals["color"][3]
            if len(unique):
                colors = self.colors or random_color(num=len(unique))
                if type(colors) == dict:
                    self.colors = colors.copy()
                    colors = list(colors)
                    self.colors = {}
                    for idx, value in enumerate(unique):
                        self.colors[value] = colors[idx % len(colors)]
                if self.legend:
                self.color_range = vals["color"][1:3]
                if self.legend:

    def get_size(self, node):
        if not self.size_prop:
            return self.width
        minval, maxval = self.size_range
        return float(node.props.get(self.size_prop, 0)) / float(maxval) * self.width

    def get_color(self, node):
        if not self.color_prop:
            return self.color

        prop = node.props.get(self.color_prop)
        if prop is None:
            return None

        if self.color_range:
            minval, maxval = self.color_range
            mix = (prop - minval) / (maxval - minval)
            return interpolate_colors(*self.color_gradient, mix)
            return self.colors.get(prop)

    def get_legend(self):
        return self.legend

[docs] class LayoutBarplot(LayoutPlot):
[docs] def __init__(self, name=None, width=200, size_prop=None, color_prop=None, position="aligned", column=0, color_gradient=None, color="red", colors=None, padding_x=10, scale=True, legend=True, active=True): name = name or f'Barplot_{size_prop}_{color_prop}' super().__init__(name=name, width=width, size_prop=size_prop, color_prop=color_prop, position=position, column=column, color_gradient=color_gradient, color=color, colors=colors, padding_x=padding_x, scale=scale, legend=legend, active=active)
[docs] def set_tree_style(self, tree, tree_style): super().set_tree_style(tree, tree_style) if self.scale and self.size_range: scale = ScaleFace(width=self.width, scale_range=self.size_range, formatter='%.2f', padding_x=self.padding_x, padding_y=2) text = TextFace(, max_fsize=11, padding_x=self.padding_x) tree_style.aligned_panel_header.add_face(scale, column=self.column) tree_style.aligned_panel_header.add_face(text, column=self.column)
[docs] def set_node_style(self, node): width = self.get_size(node) color = self.get_color(node) if width and color: tooltip = "" if tooltip += f'<b>{}</b><br>' if self.size_prop: tooltip += f'<br>{self.size_prop}: {width}<br>' if self.color_prop: tooltip += f'<br>{self.color_prop}: {color}<br>' face = RectFace(width, None, color=color, tooltip=tooltip, padding_x=self.padding_x) node.add_face(face, position=self.position, column=self.column, collapsed_only=not node.is_leaf)