Source code for ete4.smartview.renderer.layouts.spongilla_layouts

from ..treelayout import TreeLayout
from ..faces  import RectFace, TextFace
from collections import  OrderedDict
import json
from pathlib import Path

__all__ = [ "LayoutSciName", "LayoutPreferredName", "LayoutAutoName",
        "LayoutCuratedName", "LayoutEukOgs", "LayoutSeeds" ]

sciName2color = {}
taxid2color = {}
    with open(Path(__file__).parent / 'spongilla_taxa_color_codes.csv') as t:
        for line in t:
            if not line.startswith('#'):
                info = line.split('\t')
                sciName2color[(info[0])] = info[3].strip()
                taxid2color[int(info[1])] = info[3].strip()

def summary(nodes):
    "Return a list of names summarizing the given list of nodes"
    return list(OrderedDict((first_name(node), None) for node in nodes).keys())

def first_name(tree):
    "Return the name of the first node that has a name"

    sci_names = []
    for node in tree.traverse('preorder'):
        if node.is_leaf:
            sci_name = node.props.get('sci_name')

    return next(iter(sci_names))

[docs] class LayoutSciName(TreeLayout):
[docs] def __init__(self, name="Scientific name"): super().__init__(name, aligned_faces=True)
[docs] def set_node_style(self, node): if node.is_leaf: sci_name = node.props.get('sci_name') prot_id ='.', 1)[1] if node.props.get('sci_name') in sciName2color.keys(): color = sciName2color[node.props.get('sci_name')] else: color = 'black' node.add_face(TextFace(sci_name, color = color, padding_x=2), column=0, position="branch_right") if len(prot_id) > 40: prot_id = prot_id[0:37] + " ..." node.add_face(TextFace(prot_id, color = 'Gray', padding_x=2), column = 2, position = "aligned") else: # Collapsed face names = summary(node.children) texts = names if len(names) < 6 else (names[:3] + ['...'] + names[-2:]) for i, text in enumerate(texts): if text in sciName2color.keys(): color = sciName2color[text] else: color = 'black' node.add_face(TextFace(text, padding_x=2, color = color), position="branch_right", column=1, collapsed_only=True)
[docs] class LayoutPreferredName(TreeLayout):
[docs] def __init__(self, name="Preferred name", text_color="#fb3640"): super().__init__(name, aligned_faces=True) self.text_color = text_color
[docs] def set_node_style(self, node): if node.is_leaf: if node.props.get('Pname'): pname= node.props.get('Pname') pname_face = TextFace(pname, color=self.text_color) node.add_face(pname_face, column = 3, position = "aligned") else: target_leaf = node.get_leaves()[0] if target_leaf.props.get('Pname'): pname= target_leaf.props.get('Pname') pname_face = TextFace(pname, color=self.text_color) node.add_face(pname_face, column = 3, position = "aligned", collapsed_only=True)
[docs] class LayoutAutoName(TreeLayout):
[docs] def __init__(self, name="Auto name", text_color="grey"): super().__init__(name, aligned_faces=True) self.text_color = text_color
[docs] def set_node_style(self, node): if node.is_leaf: if node.props.get('auto_name'): spongAutoName = " ".join(node.props.get('auto_name').split("_")) if len(spongAutoName) > 30: spongAutoName = spongAutoName[0:27] + " ..." spongAutoName_face = TextFace(spongAutoName, color=self.text_color) node.add_face(spongAutoName_face, column = 4, position = "aligned") else: target_leaf = node.get_leaves()[0] if target_leaf.props.get('auto_name'): spongAutoName = " ".join(target_leaf.props.get('auto_name').split("_")) if len(spongAutoName) > 30: spongAutoName = spongAutoName[0:27] + " ..." spongAutoName_face = TextFace(spongAutoName, color=self.text_color) node.add_face(spongAutoName_face, column = 4, position = "aligned", collapsed_only=True)
[docs] class LayoutCuratedName(TreeLayout):
[docs] def __init__(self, name="Preferred name", text_color="black"): super().__init__(name, aligned_faces=True) self.text_color = text_color
[docs] def set_node_style(self, node): if node.is_leaf: if node.props.get('curated_name') and node.props.get('curated_name') != 'NA': spongCuratedName = " ".join(node.props.get('curated_name').split("_")) if len(spongCuratedName) > 30: spongCuratedName = spongCuratedName[0:27] + " ..." spongCuratedName_face = TextFace(spongCuratedName, color=self.text_color) node.add_face(spongCuratedName_face, column = 5, position = "aligned") else: target_leaf = node.get_leaves()[0] if target_leaf.props.get('curated_name') and target_leaf.props.get('curated_name') != 'NA': spongCuratedName = " ".join(target_leaf.props.get('curated_name').split("_")) if len(spongCuratedName) > 30: spongCuratedName = spongCuratedName[0:27] + " ..." spongCuratedName_face = TextFace(spongCuratedName, color=self.text_color) node.add_face(spongCuratedName_face, column = 5, position = "aligned", collapsed_only=True)
[docs] class LayoutEukOgs(TreeLayout):
[docs] def __init__(self, name="OGs euk", text_color="grey"): super().__init__(name, aligned_faces=True) self.text_color = text_color
[docs] def set_node_style(self, node): if node.is_leaf: if node.props.get('OG_euk'): OG = node.props.get('OG_euk') og_face = TextFace(OG, color=self.text_color) node.add_face(og_face, column = 6, position = "aligned") else: target_leaf = node.get_leaves()[0] if target_leaf.props.get('OG_euk'): OG = target_leaf.props.get('OG_euk') og_face = TextFace(OG, color=self.text_color) node.add_face(og_face, column = 6, position = "aligned", collapsed_only=True)
[docs] class LayoutSeeds(TreeLayout):
[docs] def __init__(self, name="Seeds", text_color="grey"): super().__init__(name)
[docs] def set_node_style(self, node): if node.is_leaf: if node.props.get('taxid') == '6055' and "seed" in node.props.keys(): node.sm_style["bgcolor"] = "#A3423C" elif node.props.get('taxid') == '6055' : node.sm_style["bgcolor"] = "#DE834D"