from collections import Counter, defaultdict
from ..treelayout import TreeLayout
from ..faces import ArrowFace
__all__ = [ "LayoutGenomicContext" ]
class LayoutGenomicContext(TreeLayout):
def __init__(self, name="Genomic context", nside=2,
conservation_threshold=0, width=70, height=15, collapse_size=1,
gene_name="name", tooltip_props=[],
stroke_color="gray", stroke_width="1.5px",
anchor_stroke_color="black", anchor_stroke_width="3px",
non_conserved_color="#d0d0d0", collapse_conservation=0.2,
super().__init__(name, aligned_faces=True)
self.nside = nside
self.conservation_threshold = conservation_threshold
self.gene_name = gene_name
self.tooltip_props = tooltip_props
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.collapse_size = collapse_size
self.anchor_stroke_color = anchor_stroke_color
self.anchor_stroke_width = anchor_stroke_width
self.stroke_color = stroke_color
self.stroke_width = stroke_width
self.non_conserved_color = non_conserved_color
self.collapse_conservation = collapse_conservation
self.collapse_by_conservation = collapse_by_conservation
def set_tree_style(self, tree, style):
super().set_tree_style(tree, style)
style.collapse_size = self.collapse_size
def set_node_style(self, node):
context = self.get_context(node)
if context:
for idx, gene in enumerate(context):
name = gene.get("name")
color = gene.get("color", self.non_conserved_color)
conservation = gene.get("conservation_score")
if conservation is not None\
and float(conservation) < self.conservation_threshold:
color = self.non_conserved_color
strand = gene.get("strand", "+")
cluster = gene.get("cluster")
orientation = "left" if strand == "-" else "right"
text = gene.get(self.gene_name, "")
if idx == self.nside:
stroke_color = self.anchor_stroke_color
stroke_width = self.anchor_stroke_width
stroke_color = self.stroke_color
stroke_width = self.stroke_width
arrow = ArrowFace(self.width, self.height,
orientation=orientation, color=color,
stroke_color=stroke_color, stroke_width=stroke_width,
padding_x=2, padding_y=2)
node.add_face(arrow, position="aligned", column=idx,
collapsed_only=(not node.is_leaf))
def get_tooltip(self, gene):
if self.tooltip_props is None:
return ""
if self.tooltip_props == []:
key_props = gene.keys()
key_props = self.tooltip_props
props = {}
for k,v in gene.items():
if k in key_props and v and not k in ("strand", "color")\
and not k.startswith("_"):
if k == "hyperlink":
k = "Go to"
label, url = v
v = f'<a href="{url}" target="_blank">{label}</a>'
props[k] = v
return "<br>".join(f'{k}: {v}' for k,v in props.items())
def get_context(self, node):
if node.is_leaf:
return node.props.get("_context")
if not self.collapse_by_conservation:
first_leaf = next(node.iter_leaves())
return first_leaf.props.get("_context")
# Compute conserved context by color
color_context = defaultdict(list)
color2genes = {}
for l in node:
lcontext = l.props.get("_context")
for pos, gene in enumerate(lcontext):
color = gene["color"]
color2genes[color] = gene
ntips = len(node)
context = []
for pos, colors in sorted(color_context.items()):
color, n = Counter(colors).most_common(1)[0]
if n / ntips >= self.collapse_conservation\
and color != self.non_conserved_color:
"vertical_conservation": n / ntips })
context.append({ "color": self.non_conserved_color })
return context