Definition of the basic elements for a tree representation (Layout and
Decoration), extra labels (Label), and the default tree style.
The valid keys for a tree style are:
- shape
- radius
- angle-start
- angle-end
- angle-span
- node-height-min
- content-height-min
- collapsed
- show-popup-props
- hide-popup-props
- is-leaf-fn
- box
- dot
- hz-line
- vt-line
- aliases
Some properties will be used directly by the backend: shape,
node-height-min, content-height-min, radius, angle-start, angle-end,
angle-span, show-popup-props, hide-popup-props, is-leaf-fn.
Others will be controlled by the css class of the element in the frontend:
box, dot, hz-line, vt-line.
And the "aliases" part will tell the frontend which styles are referenced.
Example of a tree style in use::
my_tree_style = {
'shape': 'circular', # or 'rectangular'
'radius': 5,
'angle-start': -180,
'angle-end': 180, # alternatively we can give 'angle-span'
'node-height-min': 10,
'content-height-min': 5,
'collapsed': {'shape': 'outline', 'fill-opacity': 0.8},
'show-popup-props': None, # all defined properties
'hide-popup-props': ['support'], # except support
'is-leaf-fn': lambda node: node.level > 4,
'box': {'fill': 'green', 'opacity': 0.1, 'stroke': 'blue'},
'dot': {'shape': 'hexagon', 'fill': 'red'},
'hz-line': {'stroke-width': 2},
'vt-line': {'stroke': '#ffff00'},
'aliases': {
'support': {'fill': 'green'}, # changes the default one
'my-leaf': {'fill': 'blue', 'font-weight': 'bold'},
layout = Layout(name='Example layout', draw_tree=my_tree_style)
from collections import namedtuple
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from functools import lru_cache
import inspect
import copy
from .faces import Face, PropFace, TextFace
# Layouts have all the information needed to represent a tree.
class Layout:
A complete specification of how to represent a tree.
Layouts have a name and two functions providing the style and
decorations of the full tree and the visible nodes.
When exploring a tree, layouts compose. Using several layouts will
add extra graphic representations, and/or overwrite some styles
from previous layouts.
def __init__(self, name, draw_tree=None, draw_node=None, cache_size=None,
:param name: String identifying the layout (to select in the gui, etc.)
:param draw_tree: Function specifying tree style and decorations.
:param draw_node: Function specifying node style and decorations.
:param cache_size: Number of elements that draw_node() will memorize
(useful values are None for infinite cache, and 0 for no cache).
:param active: If True, the layout is used immediately when exploring.
self.cache_size = cache_size # used to cache functions in the setters
# Name. This is mainly to activate/deactivate the layout in the gui.
assert type(name) is str
self.name = name
# Tree representation (style and decorations).
self.draw_tree = draw_tree
# Node representation (style and decorations).
self.draw_node = draw_node
# Set if the layout should be initially active in the gui.
self.active = active # TODO: Find a better place for this
def draw_tree(self):
return self._draw_tree
def draw_tree(self, value):
if value is None:
self._draw_tree = lambda tree: [DEFAULT_TREE_STYLE]
elif type(value) is dict:
self._draw_tree = lambda tree: [DEFAULT_TREE_STYLE, value]
elif callable(value):
def cached_draw_tree(tree):
return [DEFAULT_TREE_STYLE] + to_elements(value(tree))
self._draw_tree = cached_draw_tree
raise ValueError('draw_tree can be either a dict or a function')
def draw_node(self):
return self._draw_node
def draw_node(self, value):
assert value is None or callable(value)
if value is None:
self._draw_node = lambda node, collapsed: []
f = value # nicer name, since it is a function
# We use an auxiliary function to cache its results.
arity = len(inspect.signature(f).parameters)
if arity == 1: # f(node) (unspecified what to do with collapsed)
def cached_draw_node(node, collapsed):
if not collapsed:
return to_elements(f(node)) # get just for the node
return [x for n in collapsed # get from all siblings
for x in to_elements(f(n))]
elif arity == 2: # f(node, collapsed) (fully specified)
def cached_draw_node(node, collapsed):
return to_elements(f(node, collapsed))
raise ValueError('draw_node can have only 1 or 2 arguments.')
self._draw_node = cached_draw_node # use the auxiliary caching function
def to_elements(xs):
"""Return a list of the elements of iterable xs as Decorations/dicts."""
# Normally xs is already a list of decorations/dicts.
if xs is None: # but xs can be None (a draw_node() didn't return anything)
return []
if type(xs) is dict:
return [xs]
if not hasattr(xs, '__iter__'): # or it can be a single element
return [xs if type(xs) is Decoration else Decoration(xs)]
# Return elements, wrapped as Decorations if they need it.
return [x if type(x) in [Decoration, dict] else Decoration(x) for x in xs]
DEFAULT_TREE_STYLE = { # the default style of a tree
'show-popup-props': ['dist', 'support'],
'aliases': { # to name styles that can be referenced in draw_node
'dist': {'fill': '#888'},
'support': {'fill': '#f88'}, # a light red
def update_style(style, style_new):
"""Update the style dictionary merging properly with style_new."""
subdicts = {k for k in style_new if type(style_new[k]) is dict and
type(style.get(k)) is dict}
style.update((k, copy.deepcopy(v)) for k, v in style_new.items()
if k not in subdicts)
for k in subdicts:
update_style(style[k], style_new[k])
class Decoration:
A decoration is a face with a position ("top", "bottom", "right",
etc.), a column (an integer used for relative order with other faces
in the same position), and an anchor point (to fine-tune the
position of things like texts within them).
face: Face
position: str
column: int
anchor: tuple
def __init__(self, face, position='top', column=0, anchor=None):
self.face = TextFace(face) if type(face) is str else face
self.position = position
self.column = column
self.anchor = anchor or default_anchors[position]
default_anchors = {'top': (-1, 1), # left, bottom
'bottom': (-1, -1), # left, top
'right': (-1, 0), # left, middle
'left': ( 1, 0), # right, middle
'aligned': (-1, 0), # left, middle
'header': (-1, 1), # (unused for the moment)
'footer': (-1, 1)} # (unused for the moment)
# The default layout.
def default_draw_node(node, collapsed):
if not collapsed:
face_dist = PropFace('dist', '%.2g', style='dist')
yield Decoration(face_dist, position='top')
face_support = PropFace('support', '%.2g', style='support')
yield Decoration(face_support, position='bottom')
if node.is_leaf or collapsed:
yield Decoration(PropFace('name'), position='right')
BASIC_LAYOUT = Layout(name='basic', draw_node=default_draw_node)
# Description of a label that we want to add to the representation of a node.
Label = namedtuple('Label', 'code style node_type position column anchor fs_max')