A "face" is a piece of drawn information.
Different faces can represent different kinds of information in
different forms. Faces have a drawing function that returns the
graphic elements that will show the information, and the size they
occupy (in tree coordinates).
They know how to represent node(s) information, confined to an area of
a given size. They do it with a method face.draw(nodes, size, ...)
which returns the graphic elements and the actual size they use
(which may be smaller than the allocated size).
The sizes are always given in "tree units". The size in pixels is
always that size multiplied by the zoom.
# Other names that may be better than "face": glyph, chip, infobox,
# ibox, ichip, infochip.
import os
from base64 import b64encode
from math import pi
import re # so it can be used when evaluating expressions
from .coordinates import Size, Box, make_box
from . import graphics as gr
class Face:
"""Base class (mostly an example of the expected interface)."""
def __init__(self):
"""Save all the parameters that we may want to use."""
pass # in this example, we don't save any
def draw(self, nodes, size, collapsed, zoom=(1, 1), ax_ay=(0, 0), r=1):
"""Return a list of graphic elements and the actual size they use.
The retuned graphic elements normally depend on the node(s).
They have to fit inside the given size (dx, dy) in tree
coordinates (dx==0 means no limit for dx).
If collapsed=[], nodes contain only one node (and is not collapsed).
Otherwise, nodes (== collapsed) is a list of the collapsed nodes.
The zoom is passed in case the face wants to represent
things differently according to its size on the screen.
ax_ay is the anchor point within the box of the given size
(from 0 for left/up, to 1 for right/down).
r * size[1] * zoom[1] is the size in pixels of the left
border, whether we are in rectangular or circular mode.
graphic_elements = [] # like [draw_text(...), draw_line(...), ...]
size_used = Size(0, 0)
return graphic_elements, size_used
class EvalTextFace(Face):
"""A text that results from evaluating an expression on the node.
The style can be a string which refers to the style the gui is
going to assign it, or a dictionary with svg attributes for text.
def __init__(self, expression, fs_min=2, fs_max=16, rotation=0, style=''):
self.code = (expression if type(expression) != str else
compile(expression, '<string>', 'eval'))
self.style = style or ('text_' + expression)
self.fs_min = fs_min
self.fs_max = fs_max
self.rotation = rotation
def draw(self, nodes, size, collapsed, zoom=(1, 1), ax_ay=(0, 0), r=1):
# Get text(s) from applying expression to nodes.
if collapsed:
texts_dirty, all_accounted = make_nodes_summary(nodes, self.code)
texts = text_repr([a for a in texts_dirty if a], all_accounted)
text = eval_as_str(self.code, nodes[0])
texts = [text] if text else []
if not texts: # no texts?
return [], Size(0, 0) # nothing to draw
# Find the size that we will use to draw everything.
shrink_x = size.dx > 0 # dx == 0 is a special value, "no shrink"
size_used = texts_size(texts, size, self.fs_max, zoom, shrink_x, r)
# Only draw if font size > fs_min.
if not r * zoom[1] * size_used.dy > self.fs_min * len(texts):
return [], Size(0, 0) # nothing to draw
# Place x according to the anchor point. It must be:
# ax * size.dx == x + ax * size_used.dx
ax, ay = ax_ay
x = ax * (size.dx - size_used.dx)
# Get the graphic elements to draw.
elements = list(draw_texts(make_box((x, 0), size_used), (ax, ay), texts,
self.fs_max, self.rotation, self.style))
return elements, size_used
class TextFace(EvalTextFace):
"""A fixed text."""
def __init__(self, text, fs_min=2, fs_max=16, rotation=0, style=''):
expression = '""' if not text else '"%s"' % text.replace('"', r'\"')
super().__init__(expression, fs_min, fs_max, rotation, style)
class PropFace(EvalTextFace):
"""A text showing the given property, and optionally a special format."""
def __init__(self, prop, fmt='%s', fs_min=2, fs_max=16, rotation=0, style=''):
pexp = prop if prop in ['name', 'dist', 'support'] else f'p["{prop}"]'
expression = f'"{fmt}" % {pexp} if "{prop}" in p else ""'
super().__init__(expression, fs_min, fs_max, rotation, style)
def make_nodes_summary(nodes, code=None):
"""Return values summarizing the nodes, and if all are accounted for."""
all_accounted = True # did we get the value from all the given nodes?
values = [] # will have the (summary of the) values
for node in nodes:
value = node.name if code is None else eval_as_str(code, node)
if value:
value_in_descendant = first_value(node, code)
if value_in_descendant:
# There could be more values to add, that we ignore:
all_accounted = False
return values, all_accounted
def first_value(tree, code=None):
"""Return value of evaluating the given code, on the first possible node."""
if code is None: # special (and common!) case: get the first name
return next((node.name for node in tree.traverse() if node.name), '')
for node in tree.traverse():
value = eval_as_str(code, node)
if value:
return value
return ''
def texts_size(texts, size_max, fs_max, zoom, shrink_x=True, r=1):
"""Return the (dx, dy) dimensions of the texts so they fit in size_max."""
zx, zy = zoom
dx_max, dy_max = size_max
if r <= 0 or zx <= 0 or zy <= 0 or dy_max <= 0:
return Size(0, 0)
# Find its dimensions so its font size on screen is fs_max.
len_text_max = max((len(text) for text in texts), default=0)
dy_text = fs_max * len(texts) / (r * zy)
dx_text = fs_max * len_text_max / (1.5 * zx)
# Shrink its dimensions so it fits inside dx_max, dy_max.
if dy_text > dy_max:
sf = dy_max / dy_text # shrink factor
dx_text *= sf
dy_text *= sf
if shrink_x and dx_text > dx_max:
sf = dx_max / dx_text
dx_text *= sf
dy_text *= sf
return Size(dx_text, dy_text)
def text_repr(texts, all_have):
"""Return a summarized representation of the given texts."""
texts = list(dict.fromkeys(texts)) # remove duplicates
if all_have: # texts are all the texts that we want to summarize
return texts if len(texts) < 6 else (texts[:3] + ['[...]'] + texts[-2:])
else: # there may be more texts that our representation is not including
return texts[:6] + ['[...]']
def draw_texts(box, ax_ay, texts, fs_max, rotation, style):
"""Yield texts so they fit in the box."""
x = box.x
y = box.y # will advance for each text
dx = box.dx
dy = box.dy / len(texts)
for text in texts:
yield gr.draw_text(Box(x, y, dx, dy), ax_ay, text,
fs_max, rotation, style)
y += dy
def eval_as_str(code, node):
"""Return the given code evaluated on values related to the given node."""
result = safer_eval(code, {
'node': node, 'name': node.name, 'is_leaf': node.is_leaf,
'length': node.dist, 'dist': node.dist, 'd': node.dist,
'size': node.size, 'dx': node.size[0], 'dy': node.size[1],
'support': node.support,
'properties': node.props, 'props': node.props, 'p': node.props,
'get': dict.get, 'split': str.split,
'children': node.children, 'ch': node.children,
'regex': re.search,
'len': len, 'sum': sum, 'abs': abs, 'float': float, 'pi': pi})
return str(result) if result is not None else ''
def safer_eval(code, context):
"""Return a safer version of eval(code, context)."""
for name in code.co_names:
if name not in context:
raise SyntaxError('invalid use of %r during evaluation' % name)
return eval(code, {'__builtins__': {}}, context)
class CircleFace(Face):
"""A circle."""
def __init__(self, rmax=None, style=''):
self.rmax = rmax # maximum radius in pixels
self.style = style
def draw(self, nodes, size, collapsed, zoom=(1, 1), ax_ay=(0, 0), r=1):
dx, dy = size
zx, zy = zoom
# Find the circle radius in pixels.
cr = zy * r * dy / 2
if dx > 0:
cr = min(cr, zx * dx / 2)
if self.rmax:
cr = min(cr, self.rmax)
# Return the circle graphic and its size.
center = (cr / zx, cr / (r * zy)) # in tree coordinates
circle = gr.draw_circle(center, cr, self.style)
return [circle], Size(2*cr/zx, 2*cr/(r*zy))
# NOTE: For small r (in circular mode), that size is just approximate.
class PolygonFace(Face):
"""A polygon."""
def __init__(self, rmax=None, shape=3, style=''):
self.shape = shape # name of the shape or number of edges
self.rmax = rmax # maximum "radius" in pixels
self.style = style
def draw(self, nodes, size, collapsed, zoom=(1, 1), ax_ay=(0, 0), r=1):
dx, dy = size
zx, zy = zoom
# Find the (approx.) radius of circumscribing circle in pixels.
cr = zy * r * dy / 2
if dx > 0:
cr = min(cr, zx * dx / 2)
if self.rmax:
cr = min(cr, self.rmax)
# Return the graphic and its size.
center = (cr / zx, cr / (r * zy)) # in tree coordinates
polygon = gr.draw_polygon(center, cr, self.shape, self.style)
return [polygon], Size(2*cr/zx, 2*cr/(r*zy))
# NOTE: For small r (in circular mode), that size is just approximate.
class BoxedFace(Face):
"""A shape defined by a box (with optionally a text inside)."""
# Base class for BoxFace and RectFace.
def __init__(self, wmax, hmax=None, text=None):
self.wmax = wmax # maximum width in pixels
self.hmax = hmax # maximum height in pixels
self.text = TextFace(text) if type(text) is str else text
self.drawing_fn = None # will be set by its subclasses
def draw(self, nodes, size, collapsed, zoom=(1, 1), ax_ay=(0, 0), r=1):
dx, dy = size
zx, zy = zoom
# Find the width and height so they are never bigger than the max.
w = min(zx * dx, self.wmax) if dx > 0 else self.wmax
h = min(zy * r * dy, self.hmax) if self.hmax else (zy * r * dy)
# Keep the ratio h/w if we had hmax in addition to wmax.
if self.hmax:
h_over_w = self.hmax / self.wmax
if h / w > h_over_w:
h = h_over_w * w
w = h / h_over_w
# Return the graphics and their size.
size = Size(w/zx, h/(r*zy))
box = make_box((0, 0), size)
graphics = [self.drawing_fn(box)]
if self.text:
# Draw the text centered in x (0.5). But we have to shift the y
# "by hand" because faces let the caller anchor in y afterwards
# (so several faces can be vertically stacked and then anchored).
graphics_text, size_text = self.text.draw(nodes, size, collapsed,
zoom, (0.5, 0.5), r)
circular = False
shift = (0, (size.dy - size_text.dy) / 2) # shift the y
graphics += gr.draw_group(graphics_text, circular, shift)
return graphics, size
class BoxFace(BoxedFace):
"""A box (with optionally a text inside)."""
def __init__(self, wmax, hmax=None, style='', text=None):
super().__init__(wmax, hmax, text)
self.drawing_fn = lambda box: gr.draw_box(box, style)
class RectFace(BoxedFace):
"""A rectangle (with optionally a text inside)."""
def __init__(self, wmax, hmax=None, style='', text=None):
super().__init__(wmax, hmax, text)
self.drawing_fn = lambda box: gr.draw_rect(box, style)
class ImageFace(BoxedFace):
"""An image (with optionally a text inside)."""
def __init__(self, path, wmax, hmax=None, style='', text=None):
super().__init__(wmax, hmax, text)
assert os.path.exists(path), f'missing image at {path}'
ext = os.path.splitext(path)[1][1:].lower() # extension
assert ext in ['png', 'jpeg', 'jpg', 'svg'], f'invalid type: {path}'
href = ('data:image/' + ext + ';base64,' +
b64encode(open(path, 'rb').read()).decode('utf8'))
self.drawing_fn = lambda box: gr.draw_image(box, href, style);
class SeqFace(Face):
"""A sequence of nucleotides or amino acids."""
def __init__(self, seq, seqtype='aa', poswidth=15, draw_text=True,
hmax=None, fs_max=15, style='', render='auto'):
self.seq = ''.join(x for x in seq) # in case it was a list
self.seqtype = seqtype
self.poswidth = poswidth # width in pixels of each nucleotide/aa
self.draw_text = draw_text
self.hmax = hmax # maximum height in pixels
self.fs_max = fs_max
self.style = style
self.render = render
def draw(self, nodes, size, collapsed, zoom, ax_ay, r):
dx, dy = size
zx, zy = zoom
if dx <= 0:
dx = self.poswidth * len(self.seq) / zx
if self.hmax is not None:
dy = min(dy, self.hmax / zy)
size = Size(dx, dy)
box = make_box((0, 0), size)
graphics = [gr.draw_seq(box, self.seq, self.seqtype, self.draw_text,
self.fs_max, self.style, self.render)]
return graphics, size
class LegendFace(Face):
"""A legend with information about the data we are visualizing."""
def __init__(self, title, variable,
colormap=None, value_range=None, color_range=None):
# Do some very basic consistency checks first.
if variable == 'discrete':
assert colormap and value_range is None and color_range is None, \
'discrete variable needs a colormap (and no more)'
elif variable == 'continuous':
assert value_range and color_range and colormap is None, \
'continuous variable needs value and color ranges (and no more)'
raise ValueError(f'invalid variable value: {variable}')
self.title = title
self.variable = variable # can be "discrete" or "continuous"
self.colormap = colormap # dict {name: color}
self.value_range = value_range # (min, max)
self.color_range = color_range # (min, max)
# NOTE: We don't need a special draw() function, we use the info directly.