Source code for ete4.gtdb_taxonomy.gtdbquery

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import sys
import os

import pickle
from collections import defaultdict, Counter

from hashlib import md5

import sqlite3
import math
import tarfile
import warnings
import requests

from ete4 import ETE_DATA_HOME, update_ete_data

__all__ = ["GTDBTaxa", "is_taxadb_up_to_date"]


def as_csv(xs):
    """Return sequence xs as comma-separated values, quoted properly for SQL."""
    return ','.join("'%s'" % str(x).replace("'", "''") for x in xs)

def is_taxadb_up_to_date(dbfile=DEFAULT_GTDBTAXADB):
    """Check if a valid and up-to-date gtdbtaxa.sqlite database exists
    If dbfile= is not specified, DEFAULT_TAXADB is assumed
    db = sqlite3.connect(dbfile)
        r = db.execute('SELECT version FROM stats;')
        version = r.fetchone()[0]
    except (sqlite3.OperationalError, ValueError, IndexError, TypeError):
        version = None


    return version == DB_VERSION

[docs] class GTDBTaxa: """ Local transparent connector to the GTDB taxonomy database. """
[docs] def __init__(self, dbfile=None, taxdump_file=None, memory=False): if not dbfile: self.dbfile = DEFAULT_GTDBTAXADB else: self.dbfile = dbfile if taxdump_file: self.update_taxonomy_database(taxdump_file) if dbfile != DEFAULT_GTDBTAXADB and not os.path.exists(self.dbfile): print('GTDB database not present yet (first time used?)', file=sys.stderr) update_ete_data(DEFAULT_GTDBTAXADUMP, url='gtdb_taxonomy/gtdblatest/gtdb_latest_dump.tar.gz') self.update_taxonomy_database(taxdump_file=DEFAULT_GTDBTAXADUMP) if not os.path.exists(self.dbfile): raise ValueError("Cannot open taxonomy database: %s" % self.dbfile) self.db = None self._connect() if not is_taxadb_up_to_date(self.dbfile): print('GTDB database format is outdated. Upgrading', file=sys.stderr) self.update_taxonomy_database(taxdump_file) if memory: filedb = self.db self.db = sqlite3.connect(':memory:') filedb.backup(self.db)
[docs] def update_taxonomy_database(self, taxdump_file=None): """Update the GTDB taxonomy database. It updates it by downloading and parsing the latest gtdbtaxdump.tar.gz file. :param taxdump_file: Alternative location of gtdbtaxdump.tar.gz. """ update_db(self.dbfile, targz_file=taxdump_file)
def _connect(self): self.db = sqlite3.connect(self.dbfile) def _translate_merged(self, all_taxids): conv_all_taxids = set((list(map(int, all_taxids)))) cmd = 'SELECT taxid_old, taxid_new FROM merged WHERE taxid_old IN (%s)' % as_csv(all_taxids) result = self.db.execute(cmd) conversion = {} for old, new in result.fetchall(): conv_all_taxids.discard(int(old)) conv_all_taxids.add(int(new)) conversion[int(old)] = int(new) return conv_all_taxids, conversion # def get_fuzzy_name_translation(self, name, sim=0.9): # ''' # Given an inexact species name, returns the best match in the NCBI database of taxa names. # :argument 0.9 sim: Min word similarity to report a match (from 0 to 1). # :return: taxid, species-name-match, match-score # ''' # import sqlite3.dbapi2 as dbapi2 # _db = dbapi2.connect(self.dbfile) # _db.enable_load_extension(True) # module_path = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__))[0] # _db.execute("select load_extension('%s')" % os.path.join(module_path, # "SQLite-Levenshtein/levenshtein.sqlext")) # print("Trying fuzzy search for %s" % name) # maxdiffs = math.ceil(len(name) * (1-sim)) # cmd = 'SELECT taxid, spname, LEVENSHTEIN(spname, "%s") AS sim FROM species WHERE sim<=%s ORDER BY sim LIMIT 1;' % (name, maxdiffs) # taxid, spname, score = None, None, len(name) # result = _db.execute(cmd) # try: # taxid, spname, score = result.fetchone() # except TypeError: # cmd = 'SELECT taxid, spname, LEVENSHTEIN(spname, "%s") AS sim FROM synonym WHERE sim<=%s ORDER BY sim LIMIT 1;' % (name, maxdiffs) # result = _db.execute(cmd) # try: # taxid, spname, score = result.fetchone() # except: # pass # else: # taxid = int(taxid) # else: # taxid = int(taxid) # norm_score = 1 - (float(score)/len(name)) # if taxid: # print("FOUND! %s taxid:%s score:%s (%s)" %(spname, taxid, score, norm_score)) # return taxid, spname, norm_score def _get_id2rank(self, internal_taxids): """Given a list of numeric ids (each one representing a taxa in GTDB), return a dictionary with their corresponding ranks. Examples: > gtdb.get_rank([2174, 205487, 610]) {2174: 'family', 205487: 'order', 610: 'phylum'} Note: Numeric taxids are not recognized by the official GTDB taxonomy database, only for internal usage. """ ids = as_csv(set(internal_taxids) - {None, ''}) result = self.db.execute('SELECT taxid, rank FROM species WHERE taxid IN (%s)' % ids) return {tax: spname for tax, spname in result.fetchall()}
[docs] def get_rank(self, taxids): """Give a list of GTDB string taxids, return a dictionary with their corresponding ranks. Examples: > gtdb.get_rank(['c__Thorarchaeia', 'RS_GCF_001477695.1']) {'c__Thorarchaeia': 'class', 'RS_GCF_001477695.1': 'subspecies'} """ taxid2rank = {} name2ids = self._get_name_translator(taxids) overlap_ids = name2ids.values() taxids = [item for sublist in overlap_ids for item in sublist] ids = as_csv(set(taxids) - {None, ''}) result = self.db.execute('SELECT taxid, rank FROM species WHERE taxid IN (%s)' % ids) for tax, rank in result.fetchall(): taxid2rank[list(self._get_taxid_translator([tax]).values())[0]] = rank return taxid2rank
def _get_lineage_translator(self, taxids): """Given a valid taxid number, return its corresponding lineage track as a hierarchically sorted list of parent taxids. """ all_ids = set(taxids) all_ids.discard(None) all_ids.discard("") result = self.db.execute('SELECT taxid, track FROM species WHERE taxid IN (%s);' % as_csv(all_ids)) id2lineages = {} for tax, track in result.fetchall(): id2lineages[tax] = list(map(int, reversed(track.split(",")))) return id2lineages
[docs] def get_name_lineage(self, taxnames): """Given a valid taxname, return its corresponding lineage track as a hierarchically sorted list of parent taxnames. """ name_lineages = [] name2taxid = self._get_name_translator(taxnames) for key, value in name2taxid.items(): lineage = self._get_lineage(value[0]) names = self._get_taxid_translator(lineage) name_lineages.append({key:[names[taxid] for taxid in lineage]}) return name_lineages
def _get_lineage(self, taxid): """Given a valid taxid number, return its corresponding lineage track as a hierarchically sorted list of parent taxids. """ if not taxid: return None taxid = int(taxid) result = self.db.execute('SELECT track FROM species WHERE taxid=%s' %taxid) raw_track = result.fetchone() if not raw_track: #perhaps is an obsolete taxid _, merged_conversion = self._translate_merged([taxid]) if taxid in merged_conversion: result = self.db.execute('SELECT track FROM species WHERE taxid=%s' %merged_conversion[taxid]) raw_track = result.fetchone() # if not raise error if not raw_track: #raw_track = ["1"] raise ValueError("%s taxid not found" %taxid) else: warnings.warn("taxid %s was translated into %s" %(taxid, merged_conversion[taxid])) track = list(map(int, raw_track[0].split(","))) return list(reversed(track))
[docs] def get_common_names(self, taxids): cmd = "select taxid, common FROM species WHERE taxid IN (%s);" % as_csv(taxids) result = self.db.execute(cmd) id2name = {} for tax, common_name in result.fetchall(): if common_name: id2name[tax] = common_name return id2name
def _get_taxid_translator(self, taxids, try_synonyms=True): """Given a list of taxids, returns a dictionary with their corresponding scientific names. """ all_ids = set(map(int, taxids)) all_ids.discard(None) all_ids.discard("") cmd = "select taxid, spname FROM species WHERE taxid IN (%s);" % as_csv(all_ids) result = self.db.execute(cmd) id2name = {} for tax, spname in result.fetchall(): id2name[tax] = spname # any taxid without translation? lets tray in the merged table # if len(all_ids) != len(id2name) and try_synonyms: # not_found_taxids = all_ids - set(id2name.keys()) # taxids, old2new = self._translate_merged(not_found_taxids) # new2old = {v: k for k,v in old2new.items()} # if old2new: # query = ','.join(['"%s"' %v for v in new2old]) # cmd = "select taxid, spname FROM species WHERE taxid IN (%s);" %query # result = self.db.execute(cmd) # for tax, spname in result.fetchall(): # id2name[new2old[tax]] = spname return id2name def _get_name_translator(self, names): """ Given a list of taxid scientific names, returns a dictionary translating them into their corresponding taxids. Exact name match is required for translation. """ name2id = {} #name2realname = {} name2origname = {} for n in names: name2origname[n.lower()] = n names = set(name2origname.keys()) cmd = 'SELECT spname, taxid FROM species WHERE spname IN (%s)' % as_csv(name2origname.keys()) result = self.db.execute(cmd) for sp, taxid in result.fetchall(): oname = name2origname[sp.lower()] name2id.setdefault(oname, []).append(taxid) #name2realname[oname] = sp missing = names - set([n.lower() for n in name2id.keys()]) if missing: result = self.db.execute('SELECT spname, taxid FROM synonym WHERE spname IN (%s)' % as_csv(missing)) for sp, taxid in result.fetchall(): oname = name2origname[sp.lower()] name2id.setdefault(oname, []).append(taxid) #name2realname[oname] = sp return name2id def _translate_to_names(self, taxids): """ Given a list of taxid numbers, returns another list with their corresponding scientific names. """ id2name = self._get_taxid_translator(taxids) names = [] for sp in taxids: names.append(id2name.get(sp, sp)) return names
[docs] def get_descendant_taxa(self, parent, intermediate_nodes=False, rank_limit=None, collapse_subspecies=False, return_tree=False): """ given a parent taxid or scientific species name, returns a list of all its descendants taxids. If intermediate_nodes is set to True, internal nodes will also be dumped. """ try: taxid = int(parent) except ValueError: try: taxid = self._get_name_translator([parent])[parent][0] except KeyError: raise ValueError('%s not found!' %parent) # checks if taxid is a deprecated one, and converts into the right one. _, conversion = self._translate_merged([taxid]) #try to find taxid in synonyms table if conversion: taxid = conversion[taxid] with open(self.dbfile+".traverse.pkl", "rb") as CACHED_TRAVERSE: prepostorder = pickle.load(CACHED_TRAVERSE) descendants = {} found = 0 for tid in prepostorder: if tid == taxid: found += 1 elif found == 1: descendants[tid] = descendants.get(tid, 0) + 1 elif found == 2: break if not found: raise ValueError("taxid not found:%s" %taxid) elif found == 1: return [taxid] if rank_limit or collapse_subspecies or return_tree: descendants_spnames = self._get_taxid_translator(list(descendants.keys())) #tree = self.get_topology(list(descendants.keys()), intermediate_nodes=intermediate_nodes, collapse_subspecies=collapse_subspecies, rank_limit=rank_limit) tree = self.get_topology(list(descendants_spnames.values()), intermediate_nodes=intermediate_nodes, collapse_subspecies=collapse_subspecies, rank_limit=rank_limit) if return_tree: return tree elif intermediate_nodes: return [ for n in tree.get_descendants()] else: return [ for n in tree] elif intermediate_nodes: return self._translate_to_names([tid for tid, count in descendants.items()]) else: self._translate_to_names([tid for tid, count in descendants.items() if count == 1]) return self._translate_to_names([tid for tid, count in descendants.items() if count == 1])
[docs] def get_topology(self, taxnames, intermediate_nodes=False, rank_limit=None, collapse_subspecies=False, annotate=True): """Return minimal pruned GTDB taxonomy tree containing all given taxids. :param intermediate_nodes: If True, single child nodes representing the complete lineage of leaf nodes are kept. Otherwise, the tree is pruned to contain the first common ancestor of each group. :param rank_limit: If valid NCBI rank name is provided, the tree is pruned at that given level. For instance, use rank="species" to get rid of sub-species or strain leaf nodes. :param collapse_subspecies: If True, any item under the species rank will be collapsed into the species upper node. """ from .. import PhyloTree #taxids, merged_conversion = self._translate_merged(taxids) tax2id = self._get_name_translator(taxnames) #{'f__Korarchaeaceae': [2174], 'o__Peptococcales': [205487], 'p__Huberarchaeota': [610]} taxids = [i[0] for i in tax2id.values()] if len(taxids) == 1: root_taxid = int(list(taxids)[0]) with open(self.dbfile+".traverse.pkl", "rb") as CACHED_TRAVERSE: prepostorder = pickle.load(CACHED_TRAVERSE) descendants = {} found = 0 nodes = {} hit = 0 visited = set() start = prepostorder.index(root_taxid) try: end = prepostorder.index(root_taxid, start+1) subtree = prepostorder[start:end+1] except ValueError: # If root taxid is not found in postorder, must be a tip node subtree = [root_taxid] leaves = set([v for v, count in Counter(subtree).items() if count == 1]) tax2name = self._get_taxid_translator(list(subtree)) name2tax ={spname:taxid for taxid,spname in tax2name.items()} nodes[root_taxid] = PhyloTree({'name': str(root_taxid)}) current_parent = nodes[root_taxid] for tid in subtree: if tid in visited: current_parent = nodes[tid].up else: visited.add(tid) nodes[tid] = PhyloTree({'name': tax2name.get(tid, '')}) current_parent.add_child(nodes[tid]) if tid not in leaves: current_parent = nodes[tid] root = nodes[root_taxid] else: taxids = set(map(int, taxids)) sp2track = {} elem2node = {} id2lineage = self._get_lineage_translator(taxids) all_taxids = set() for lineage in id2lineage.values(): all_taxids.update(lineage) id2rank = self._get_id2rank(all_taxids) tax2name = self._get_taxid_translator(taxids) all_taxid_codes = set([_tax for _lin in list(id2lineage.values()) for _tax in _lin]) extra_tax2name = self._get_taxid_translator(list(all_taxid_codes - set(tax2name.keys()))) tax2name.update(extra_tax2name) name2tax ={spname:taxid for taxid,spname in tax2name.items()} for sp in taxids: track = [] lineage = id2lineage[sp] for elem in lineage: spanme = tax2name[elem] if elem not in elem2node: node = elem2node.setdefault(elem, PhyloTree()) = str(tax2name[elem]) node.taxid = str(tax2name[elem]) node.add_prop("rank", str(id2rank.get(int(elem), "no rank"))) else: node = elem2node[elem] track.append(node) sp2track[sp] = track # generate parent child relationships for sp, track in sp2track.items(): parent = None for elem in track: if parent and elem not in parent.children: parent.add_child(elem) if rank_limit and elem.props.get('rank') == rank_limit: break parent = elem root = elem2node[1] #remove onechild-nodes if not intermediate_nodes: for n in root.descendants(): if len(n.children) == 1 and int(name2tax.get(, not in taxids: n.delete(prevent_nondicotomic=False) if len(root.children) == 1: tree = root.children[0].detach() else: tree = root if collapse_subspecies: to_detach = [] for node in tree.traverse(): if node.props.get('rank') == 'species': to_detach.extend(node.children) for n in to_detach: n.detach() if annotate: self.annotate_tree(tree, ignore_unclassified=False) return tree
[docs] def annotate_tree(self, t, taxid_attr='name', tax2name=None, tax2track=None, tax2rank=None, ignore_unclassified=False): """Annotate a tree containing taxids as leaf names. It annotates by adding the properties 'taxid', 'sci_name', 'lineage', 'named_lineage' and 'rank'. :param t: Tree to annotate. :param taxid_attr: Node attribute (property) containing the taxid number associated to each node (i.e. species in PhyloTree instances). :param tax2name, tax2track, tax2rank: Pre-calculated dictionaries with translations from taxid number to names, track lineages and ranks. """ taxids = set() if taxid_attr == "taxid": for n in t.leaves(): if taxid_attr in n.props: taxids.add(n.props[taxid_attr]) else: for n in t.leaves(): try: # translate gtdb name -> id taxaname = getattr(n, taxid_attr, n.props.get(taxid_attr)) tid = self._get_name_translator([taxaname])[taxaname][0] taxids.add(tid) except (KeyError, ValueError, AttributeError): pass merged_conversion = {} taxids, merged_conversion = self._translate_merged(taxids) if not tax2name or taxids - set(map(int, list(tax2name.keys()))): tax2name = self._get_taxid_translator(taxids) if not tax2track or taxids - set(map(int, list(tax2track.keys()))): tax2track = self._get_lineage_translator(taxids) all_taxid_codes = set([_tax for _lin in list(tax2track.values()) for _tax in _lin]) extra_tax2name = self._get_taxid_translator(list(all_taxid_codes - set(tax2name.keys()))) tax2name.update(extra_tax2name) tax2common_name = self.get_common_names(tax2name.keys()) if not tax2rank: tax2rank = self._get_id2rank(list(tax2name.keys())) name2tax ={spname:taxid for taxid,spname in tax2name.items()} n2leaves = t.get_cached_content() for node in t.traverse('postorder'): if node.is_leaf: node_taxid = getattr(node, taxid_attr, node.props.get(taxid_attr)) else: node_taxid = None node.add_prop('taxid', node_taxid) if node_taxid: tmp_taxid = self._get_name_translator([node_taxid]).get(node_taxid, [None])[0] if node_taxid in merged_conversion: node_taxid = merged_conversion[node_taxid] rank = tax2rank.get(tmp_taxid, 'Unknown') if rank != 'subspecies': sci_name = tax2name.get(tmp_taxid, '') else: # For subspecies, gtdb taxid (like 'RS_GCF_0062.1') is not informative. Better use the species one. track = tax2track[tmp_taxid] # like ['root', 'd__Bacteria', ..., 's__Moorella', 'RS_GCF_0062.1'] sci_name = tax2name.get(track[-2], '') node.add_props(sci_name = sci_name, common_name = tax2common_name.get(node_taxid, ''), lineage = tax2track.get(tmp_taxid, []), rank = tax2rank.get(tmp_taxid, 'Unknown'), named_lineage = [tax2name.get(tax, str(tax)) for tax in tax2track.get(tmp_taxid, [])]) elif node.is_leaf: node.add_props(sci_name = getattr(node, taxid_attr, node.props.get(taxid_attr, 'NA')), common_name = '', lineage = [], rank = 'Unknown', named_lineage = []) else: if ignore_unclassified: vectors = [lf.props.get('lineage') for lf in n2leaves[node] if lf.props.get('lineage')] else: vectors = [lf.props.get('lineage') for lf in n2leaves[node]] lineage = self._common_lineage(vectors) rank = tax2rank.get(lineage[-1], 'Unknown') if lineage[-1]: if rank != 'subspecies': ancestor = self._get_taxid_translator([lineage[-1]])[lineage[-1]] else: ancestor = self._get_taxid_translator([lineage[-2]])[lineage[-2]] lineage = lineage[:-1] # remove subspecies from lineage rank = tax2rank.get(lineage[-1], 'Unknown') # update rank else: ancestor = None node.add_props(sci_name = tax2name.get(ancestor, str(ancestor)), common_name = tax2common_name.get(lineage[-1], ''), taxid = ancestor, lineage = lineage, rank = rank, named_lineage = [tax2name.get(tax, str(tax)) for tax in lineage]) return tax2name, tax2track, tax2rank
def _common_lineage(self, vectors): occurrence = defaultdict(int) pos = defaultdict(set) for v in vectors: for i, taxid in enumerate(v): occurrence[taxid] += 1 pos[taxid].add(i) common = [taxid for taxid, ocu in occurrence.items() if ocu == len(vectors)] if not common: return [""] else: sorted_lineage = sorted(common, key=lambda x: min(pos[x])) return sorted_lineage # OLD APPROACH: # visited = defaultdict(int) # for index, name in [(ei, e) for v in vectors for ei, e in enumerate(v)]: # visited[(name, index)] += 1 # def _sort(a, b): # if a[1] > b[1]: # return 1 # elif a[1] < b[1]: # return -1 # else: # if a[0][1] > b[0][1]: # return 1 # elif a[0][1] < b[0][1]: # return -1 # return 0 # matches = sorted(visited.items(), _sort) # if matches: # best_match = matches[-1] # else: # return "", set() # if best_match[1] != len(vectors): # return "", set() # else: # return best_match[0][0], [m[0][0] for m in matches if m[1] == len(vectors)]
[docs] def get_broken_branches(self, t, taxa_lineages, n2content=None): """Returns a list of GTDB lineage names that are not monophyletic in the provided tree, as well as the list of affected branches and their size. CURRENTLY EXPERIMENTAL """ if not n2content: n2content = t.get_cached_content() tax2node = defaultdict(set) unknown = set() for leaf in t.iter_leaves(): if leaf.sci_name.lower() != "unknown": lineage = taxa_lineages[leaf.taxid] for index, tax in enumerate(lineage): tax2node[tax].add(leaf) else: unknown.add(leaf) broken_branches = defaultdict(set) broken_clades = set() for tax, leaves in tax2node.items(): if len(leaves) > 1: common = t.get_common_ancestor(leaves) else: common = list(leaves)[0] if (leaves ^ set(n2content[common])) - unknown: broken_branches[common].add(tax) broken_clades.add(tax) broken_clade_sizes = [len(tax2node[tax]) for tax in broken_clades] return broken_branches, broken_clades, broken_clade_sizes
# TODO: See why this code is commented out and comment it properly or remove it. # # def annotate_tree_with_taxa(self, t, name2taxa_file, tax2name=None, tax2track=None, attr_name="name"): # if name2taxa_file: # names2taxid = dict([map(strip, line.split("\t")) # for line in open(name2taxa_file)]) # else: # names2taxid = dict([(, getattr(n, attr_name)) for n in t.iter_leaves()]) # not_found = 0 # for n in t.iter_leaves(): # n.add_features(taxid=names2taxid.get(, 0)) # n.add_features(species=n.taxid) # if n.taxid == 0: # not_found += 1 # if not_found: # print >>sys.stderr, "WARNING: %s nodes where not found within NCBI taxonomy!!" %not_found # return self.annotate_tree(t, tax2name, tax2track, attr_name="taxid") def load_gtdb_tree_from_dump(tar): from .. import Tree # Download: gtdbdump/gtdbr202dump.tar.z parent2child = {} name2node = {} node2taxname = {} synonyms = set() name2rank = {} node2common = {} print("Loading node names...") unique_nocase_synonyms = set() for line in tar.extractfile("names.dmp"): line = str(line.decode()) fields = [_f.strip() for _f in line.split("|")] nodename = fields[0] name_type = fields[3].lower() taxname = fields[1] # Clean up tax names so we make sure the don't include quotes. See taxname = taxname.rstrip('"').lstrip('"') if name_type == "scientific name": node2taxname[nodename] = taxname if name_type == "genbank common name": node2common[nodename] = taxname elif name_type in set(["synonym", "equivalent name", "genbank equivalent name", "anamorph", "genbank synonym", "genbank anamorph", "teleomorph"]): # Keep track synonyms, but ignore duplicate case-insensitive names. See synonym_key = (nodename, taxname.lower()) if synonym_key not in unique_nocase_synonyms: unique_nocase_synonyms.add(synonym_key) synonyms.add((nodename, taxname)) print(len(node2taxname), "names loaded.") print(len(synonyms), "synonyms loaded.") print("Loading nodes...") for line in tar.extractfile("nodes.dmp"): line = str(line.decode()) fields = line.split("|") nodename = fields[0].strip() parentname = fields[1].strip() try: n = Tree() except: from .. import Tree n = Tree() = nodename #n.taxname = node2taxname[nodename] n.add_prop('taxname', node2taxname[nodename]) if nodename in node2common: n.add_prop('common_name', node2taxname[nodename]) n.add_prop('rank', fields[2].strip()) parent2child[nodename] = parentname name2node[nodename] = n print(len(name2node), "nodes loaded.") print("Linking nodes...") for node in name2node: if node == "1": t = name2node[node] else: parent = parent2child[node] parent_node = name2node[parent] parent_node.add_child(name2node[node]) print("Tree is loaded.") return t, synonyms def generate_table(t): OUT = open("", "w") for j, n in enumerate(t.traverse()): if j%1000 == 0: print("\r",j,"generating entries...", end=' ') temp_node = n track = [] while temp_node: track.append( temp_node = temp_node.up if n.up: print('\t'.join([,, n.props.get('taxname'), n.props.get("common_name", ''), n.props.get("rank"), ','.join(track)]), file=OUT) else: print('\t'.join([, "", n.props.get('taxname'), n.props.get("common_name", ''), n.props.get("rank"), ','.join(track)]), file=OUT) OUT.close() def update_db(dbfile, targz_file=None): basepath = os.path.split(dbfile)[0] if basepath and not os.path.exists(basepath): os.mkdir(basepath) # if users don't provie targz_file, update the latest version from ete-data if not targz_file: update_local_taxdump(DEFAULT_GTDBTAXADUMP) targz_file = DEFAULT_GTDBTAXADUMP tar =, 'r') t, synonyms = load_gtdb_tree_from_dump(tar) prepostorder = [int( for post, node in t.iter_prepostorder()] with open(dbfile+'.traverse.pkl', 'wb') as fout: pickle.dump(prepostorder, fout, 2) print("Updating database: %s ..." %dbfile) generate_table(t) upload_data(dbfile) os.system("rm") def update_local_taxdump(fname=DEFAULT_GTDBTAXADUMP): # latest version of gtdb taxonomy dump url = "" if not os.path.exists(fname): print(f'Downloading {fname} from {url} ...') with open(fname, 'wb') as f: f.write(requests.get(url).content) else: md5_local = md5(open(fname, 'rb').read()).hexdigest() md5_remote = requests.get(url + '.md5').text.split()[0] if md5_local != md5_remote: print(f'Updating {fname} from {url} ...') with open(fname, 'wb') as f: f.write(requests.get(url).content) else: print(f'File {fname} is already up-to-date with {url} .') def upload_data(dbfile): print() print('Uploading to', dbfile) basepath = os.path.split(dbfile)[0] if basepath and not os.path.exists(basepath): os.mkdir(basepath) db = sqlite3.connect(dbfile) create_cmd = """ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS stats; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS species; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS synonym; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS merged; CREATE TABLE stats (version INT PRIMARY KEY); CREATE TABLE species (taxid INT PRIMARY KEY, parent INT, spname VARCHAR(50) COLLATE NOCASE, common VARCHAR(50) COLLATE NOCASE, rank VARCHAR(50), track TEXT); CREATE TABLE synonym (taxid INT,spname VARCHAR(50) COLLATE NOCASE, PRIMARY KEY (spname, taxid)); CREATE TABLE merged (taxid_old INT, taxid_new INT); CREATE INDEX spname1 ON species (spname COLLATE NOCASE); CREATE INDEX spname2 ON synonym (spname COLLATE NOCASE); """ for cmd in create_cmd.split(';'): db.execute(cmd) print() db.execute("INSERT INTO stats (version) VALUES (%d);" %DB_VERSION) db.commit() # for i, line in enumerate(open("")): # if i%5000 == 0 : # print('\rInserting synonyms: % 6d' %i, end=' ', file=sys.stderr) # sys.stderr.flush() # taxid, spname = line.strip('\n').split('\t') # db.execute("INSERT INTO synonym (taxid, spname) VALUES (?, ?);", (taxid, spname)) # print() # db.commit() # for i, line in enumerate(open("")): # if i%5000 == 0 : # print('\rInserting taxid merges: % 6d' %i, end=' ', file=sys.stderr) # sys.stderr.flush() # taxid_old, taxid_new = line.strip('\n').split('\t') # db.execute("INSERT INTO merged (taxid_old, taxid_new) VALUES (?, ?);", (taxid_old, taxid_new)) # print() # db.commit() with open('') as f_taxa: for i, line in enumerate(f_taxa): if i % 5000 == 0: print('\rInserting taxids: %8d' % i, end=' ', file=sys.stderr) sys.stderr.flush() taxid, parentid, spname, common, rank, lineage = line.strip('\n').split('\t') db.execute(('INSERT INTO species (taxid, parent, spname, common, rank, track) ' 'VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)'), (taxid, parentid, spname, common, rank, lineage)) print() db.commit() if __name__ == "__main__": #from .. import PhyloTree gtdb = GTDBTaxa() gtdb.update_taxonomy_database(DEFAULT_GTDBTAXADUMP) descendants = gtdb.get_descendant_taxa('c__Thorarchaeia', collapse_subspecies=True, return_tree=True) print(descendants.write(properties=None)) print(descendants.get_ascii(properties=['sci_name', 'taxid', 'rank'])) tree = gtdb.get_topology(["p__Huberarchaeota", "o__Peptococcales", "f__Korarchaeaceae", "s__Korarchaeum"], intermediate_nodes=True, collapse_subspecies=True, annotate=True) print(tree.get_ascii(properties=["taxid", "sci_name", "rank"])) tree = PhyloTree('((c__Thorarchaeia, c__Lokiarchaeia_A), s__Caballeronia udeis);', sp_naming_function=lambda name: name) tax2name, tax2track, tax2rank = gtdb.annotate_tree(tree, taxid_attr="name") print(tree.get_ascii(properties=["taxid", "name", "sci_name", "rank"])) print(gtdb.get_name_lineage(['RS_GCF_006228565.1', 'GB_GCA_001515945.1']))